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former member default image - bird flying away

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`Perhaps so, but I begin to think that being connected to the web of life is actually the default, normal setting for humanity. You draw up a timeline of human life on this Earth, and you will find that capitalist, industrialist societies don't even really show up on the timeline. This is all a very recent, and i believe deranged phenomena. Even the beginnings of agriculture don't even show up until very recently in human history. Academic history, by the way, dismisses this vast span of time by labeling it 'prehistory', so that they can conveniently ignore it. So i think that when you say that there is no way out, you may be a bit pessimistic. I have found, through my own efforts, that loving Mother Earth actually works. What I mean by that, to make myself very clear, is that loving is not a feeling, it's an action. it's what you DO. So when I say I love the Earth, I mean that i am taking responsibility for my own personal impacts. I am learning to connect and communicate and work along with other life forms instead of following my own cultural training, and learning that communication is most definitely possible, even for someone that comes from a culture that does it's best to teach the opposite. I like to use the analogy of dogs which have the capacity to go feral very easily, because it's in their DNA. I think human beings can also go feral very easily, as a matter of fact, i've been shocked by how easy it has been for me! So i think you 're right, it's really not a matter of skin color....but of cultural training, like Bonsai.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`One classic example of this whole blood quantum ideology was with that ch----ill fellow who used it to his advantage and then was unmasked as a fake in all respects. The point is, he may have started with respecting native americans and then crossed some weird line and became one of "us". The term "wannabe" is much like "nigger". It serves a purpose to those who use it. There are many white people and native people who prefer each other. One cannot help, who they are drawn too, nor more than we can dictate the time the sun comes up.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`My family never wanted to be native and they hid it because in Louisiana if you were native in those days you were considered black and that was not the place to be black. So I guess they suppressed the fact they were native. So what do you do with me. Do you call me a wanna be? I am part native by DNA and part french. So therefore you guys don't want a wannabe here but neither do the whites. So what is the answer. Any of you guys know the answer? Cuz hell I don't. I think you guys are doing the same thing the white man did to your ancestors so does that make you any better. I would expect this from the white but not from a ppl that have been though this themselves. That is why I said in my bio neither side is comfortable with me. i came here to learn but if that is too much to ask I have no problem leaving. I am not fullblooded and don't claim to be. I was asked by a wise native women if i was native and I said only part and she replied which part of you is native, your toe, your nose, your eyes? Then she said to me if you have the ancestors blood running through your veins then you are native. Too bad there are many like her around.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: "Dont wannnabe..just am"!

Very interesting forum you all have here. Speaking from the side of one that is of mixed heritage, I jokingly call my self the American Melting Pot... Yes I claim my native blood lines for I am what my bloods say that I am. All of my lines come from the east coast. Monacan, Catawba... still is tracing the other native line. Black/Irish/Monacan Nation (Virginia) is my maternal Line, the Catawba /Black and other nation is paternal (still researching other nation).

Now if any body knows any thing of the native peoples of the east coast they where all of coloring that went from of a chestnut to copper. I was told by my mother that we where part Native when I was a little girl but she didn't know what nation( much reasearch and headache). Her grandfathered never spoke a word of his peoples (they where not allowed speak of it for fear of losing life or home). Because of their dark complexion and being equated with and treated the same as blacks it caused a division between my nation….The lights against the darks.

Smithsoinian Native American Museum opened back in 2005, I took my mom to the powwow. That's the day I saw the pain and anguish and tears of what was taken from her, because my ancestors where forced to claim something they where not…black if of dark complexted, white if fair complexted which also limited who they could marry.( Do to the lost of our numbers from diseases and wars, Monacans intermarried with other nationalities just to survive). That same day while buying jewelry from a native woman, my mother for the first time ever proudly proclaimed her native blood. The Native woman looked at my mom with total disgust in her face and eyes…that was the day that I saw the White mans disease had indeed infected the peoples as well. "Not all just those that can’t see past the lies of the oppressors".

My mother and uncles are product of paper genocide. Basically what I’m trying to say people is that this is just another way for the government to control the lives of the native peoples and to cause a great division amongst the native nations. Be you of mixed heritage or of purer bloods, its the great divide and concur all over again. The government to this day still changing the racial status on the census records.

“Again I say I am what my blood say I amâ€Â, it’s not a great prize to be native it’s more heartache that anything. Not native enought for the natives , blacks dont' like you if your a mixed, exotic trophy / S-- toy for whites. Especially when you don’t look native (what Hollywood say Natives look like) the world will try to beat you down that you are not who your blood say you are thy judge you buy your looks. Every day I have to fight for my right to claim all of me because my hair isn’t’ straight and my skin is a few shade darker and my lips are full.

I don’t mind fighting, all of my ancestors where from warrior stock… so I don’t mind a good fight. If you want it come get it…Smile
[ "I dont wannabee... just am"!


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July 23, 2010
Posts: 144

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`Wow nicely wrote and how this has hit close to home for me also, My people was from Alabama and Kentucky. I have no need to try to explain who I am and what I am made of. My pic tell my origin enough.However I understand this heart felt passage to be who you are. Stay planted on the road in which you Travel.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: It's lovely to live in OOsa

One of the most racist countries in the world, where not only one race is pitted against another but even people on different ends of the spectrum of a shared hertitage, whether full blooded or not, pit themselves against each other.

I know I feel great pride swell in my breasts when I see Southern Mexicans and Northern Mexicans going at each other, when I see full bloods and mutts throwing down, when I see American borns vs Mexican borns vs. Canadian borns of the same ethnicity tear each other apart.
It just makes me ME for one feel glad.

Face it. It's just too damned hard to put aside our vain pride, pettiness and our natural senses of superiority to realize that we as a whole stand a better chance of fixing the f*cked up situation all people of color are in in this country by working together. No, we can just let someone else do it. Let's all just lay around bickering and then when we tire we can all go to sleep wrapped tight in our colera laced blankets after a few dozen stiff drinks. And when we all close our eyes, we can dream sweet dreams and pat ourselves proudly on the back that we didn't need any stupid racists to come in and show us how to degredate and cheapen ourselves. We managed to do that all on our own.

And when I read that other post wherein a half breed wants to die because he has been so grossly abused by some of you self appointed paragons of all that is Native, I think: Good GOD! I've finally arrived! Especially when I look at my beautiful son who's father was half German and 1/2 Mexican Indian, I think to myself: What a wonderful world.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I'm only 1/16 Chickasaw, the rest is Italian, German, and Irish, but I don't go around claiming to be a Native American. I joined this site so I could meet new people and get in touch with the little native blood I do have. I'm not trying to be anything or anyone I'm not.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`@Caroline- I'm only 1/8 cherokee im proud of the little native blood i have also it's good to know where you ancestors come from

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May 24, 2009
Posts: 43

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`a little note....

I know who I am,
because I know,where I come from and what I am.
And because I understand,
where I come from and what I am,
I also know where I go.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Children Learn What They Live (1998)
by Dorothy Law Nolte (1924 - 2005)

If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn.
If children live with hostility, they learn to fight.
If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive.
If children live with pity, they learn to feel sorry for themselves.
If children live with ridicule, they learn to feel shy.
If children live with jealousy, they learn to feel envy.
If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty.
If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence.
If children live with tolerance, they learn patience.
If children live with praise, they learn appreciation.
If children live with acceptance, they learn to love.
If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.
If children live with recognition, they learn it is good to have a goal.
If children live with sharing, they learn generosity.
If children live with honesty, they learn truthfulness.
If children live with fairness, they learn justice.
If children live with kindness and consideration, they learn respect.
If children live with security, they learn to have faith in themselves and in those about them.
If children live with friendliness, they learn
the world is a nice place in which to live.

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February 19, 2012
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Well,and i would be one of tem who likes to know all about full blood natives and their culture,such as lifestyles in nowadays.Unfortunately it gets hard to leave opinions in here,people get very offendet.It is real hard to leave your experiences you made in life,because some readers take it way to personal.I am german citizen,lived all my life in germany,but have visit the states more than a few times and seen some drama around native people.I was shocked by the way they were treated.I met them ONLY in reservations,NEVER in "normal" situations.Therefore i wanted to know more about your country,as much as others would like to know about mine.I am a bit affraid to talk in here,because as a german i write different than others do.I could be misunderstood.I commendet in here(different topic) and find myself in a weird situation with someone who feels offended by me.How can i respond though??Ok now,i will try that again?How do natives live today,what is your experience with non natives?Do you live traditiones still?What i found strange was that hardly any native ever complained,they took issues,spitefulness and shame as if this would be normal.A few times i got myself in trouble because i learned from my country that whenever i open my mouth to help someone else that i won't run the risc of getting killed.Well,i was shocked.Over here it is not a deal at all,not even worth a word to be with a native american(they are in the service and stationed over in my country).We got real bad history as well but managed a good way out.We get remindet of the past from jewish people,but we discuss things and make them understande that the war and time is over.We left this behind us,payed a hugh price(with the deepest honor(reverence)).But not a secound we would think about them being worthless(or less than us).I guess that made me naive.I love the stayes so much,it is always a pleasure to visit,but it seems unpossible to meet natives in "normal ,healthy" situation.Why is this so??...PLEASE NO INSULTS,like i mentioned before:i am not american and may sound a bit different...

Silke Blietschau
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May 24, 2009
Posts: 43

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I met them ONLY in reservations,NEVER in "normal" situations.

I love the stayes so much,it is always a pleasure to visit,
but it seems un possible
to meet natives in "normal ,healthy" situation.Why is this so??...

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`we are people of two worlds. we hang onto our traditions because that is who we are. but government has tried so hard to split our souls in half that it has caused so many indigenous peoples to lose themselves in this society of sickness. i have seen many a good brother & sister sink into a world of darkness because they could not cope. it is even harder for our younger generation to understand. many become embarrased to be associated with their tribal nations. they become involved with drugs, criminal activity, & wanna bees in social amerikan society. teenage native american suicide rate is the highest in amerika. when you lose your idenity & the zig-zag way of believing, this is what happens. believe me i have seen many tragedies in my lifetime because i have been associated with it. i am still around because i believe in myself & i believe in Creator & when it is time for me to be drummed home my connections with my ancestors will be waiting for me.

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May 24, 2009
Posts: 43

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`well said nahashchid...i have seen many tragedies in my lifetime too,
I find the statement of~ inherownway~
:''I met them ONLY in reservations,NEVER in "normal" situations.''
sounds strange..
and after an transfigured view.
The live on the reservation is normal for the people there.
Most German people are shocked
if they have visit a rez like e.g.
Pine Ridge.
Because they have a completely different imagination from this,
what they then encounter there;0)

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May 7, 2012
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`"Our people don't come in parts. Either you are Indian, or you are not."

We really need to take a look at how Indian People are talking about Indian People. We say there are Rez Indians, Traditional Indians, Urban Indians and Breeds. This type of thinking will keep us separated. An Indian is an Indian, a brother is a brother, a sister is a sister. We are all related. Today, let us respect ourselves and our people.

Who gave the United States Government the right to judge how much of our body is Indian? I love it when someone says"I am part Indian" My reply is what part a finger,hand,feet leg what? They gaze back bewildered. Then I explain to them we are or we are not Indian it is how we choose to walk with the blood that is in our veins. I am not ashamed of being a quarter breed I am just as Creator made me not some self righteous government entity.The only miracle they can do is steal money without getting caught. We are taught better than that. If you make claim to your ancestral lineage then so be it! I am not your judge anymore than you are mine. Always walk a good path and keep a clean heart and mind. Do not alter them with drugs or alcohol.

Do you feel in your heart that you fully an Indian, so, you are! No one else should come to tell you that you are not. Our skin color, eyes and hair does not tell us who we are, the heart does! Many of today's native is not in touch with his spirituality, but for those that are should know better than to judge others for who they are. I repeat, we are all relatives and we are conected through our hearts to the creation.
So I AM a native Indian in my heart and soul, whether you like it or not!

And for those who only want to be in contact with full blooded native american can only go in that group for those, it's that easy!

I'm sorry for my bad english, I hope you understand whats my point here ;)

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