For a long time I have felt this unexplainable calling... It does not make least now it does not. But I believe it will at some point. I have always been drawn to Native American culture even though I am from Slovakia, a small country in Eastern Europe. It comes and goes in waves, but it never leaves entirely - this feeling that my spirit belongs with other(s) over there. I know, it is probably hard to understand, but perhaps you are the one who can could connect the dots. If you think so, please, do get in touch. Let's get to know each other.
Looking for PenPal Group (NEW Posting Feature - BETA - In Development)
1455 members
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A group for those who are looking for a long-distance friend to exchange letters and emails with.
You must meet these requirements before being able to post:
• You must have a profile photo.
• You must have a description.
• You must have joined for more than 24 hours.