The testimonials displayed here are a sample of messages sent to Passions Network via email and/or messages posted within various Passions Network sites. Some members have deleted their accounts after starting their relationship(s), while others have maintained their accounts due to the friendships they have formed. We have removed the usernames of members from the testimonials to provide them with some level of privacy.
The VAST majority of members within Passions Network have a number of Passions Network sites within their account, and we find that in many/most of the testimonials we receive, the members have ended up meeting on a Passions Network site other than the site they originally joined.
While you are welcome to maintain your 100% free access on this site, we highly recommend that members consider upgrading to a 'Network Membership' which provides 'Banner Ad Free' access to all sites within Passions Network. After all, what if your special someone is in the network, but just on a different site?
Testimonial from Shy Passions
"I will say when I started my pages about 9 months ago it took me a good
month before I started seeing interest from people, and actually I have been
exceedingly lucky to have found (just 2 months after I started) a wonderful
man. But even he has been on this site (and in the many different passions)
for years and has had off and on very hit and miss interactions. Even when
we first started talking, I treated him very poorly, I was snippy and he
even at one point said "I think I have a crush on you" and I told him "Oh,
crushes are crushes, you'll get over it." I'm lucky that he kept on talking,
cause now we're planning a life together."
Testimonial from Native American Passions
"Hi, I just want to say that I met a wonderful man on your Native American Passions page in 2006. I was in Australia and he was in Los Angeles at the time, and I never dreamed that anything would happen. But we are now married (since 2008), and very happy together here in Australia! I originally joined Native American Passions because I wanted a Native American pen friend, and I ended up finding the man of my dreams (he is Mexican but with a half-native grandmum)! And as a bonus, I also met a lovely Ojibwe lady through your website at the same time, we are now friends and have met three times! She was living in the SAME city as my husband! Thank you Passions Network!!" [Message received in Dec. 2014]
Testimonial from Senior Passions
"On December 18, 2013, I started talking to a man and somehow we seemed to hit it right off the bat.
We were on there for the same reasons and seemed to want and need the same things. It was only a few short weeks,
then I went and picked him up a few hours away. We were married March 1, 2014. All is well. Thanks Senior Passions for
being there. :)"
Testimonial from Gaming Passions
"I`ve been on passions for almost a year now, and within a few months I started making new friends, but more importantly I started developing feelings for this girl that I barely knew. We kept talking for a while and got to know each other on a deeper level than I chose to show to anyone else. Turns out we relate to one another almost to a T, I never thought something like this was possible, but it happened. Not only did I meet the person whom I eventually fell in love with, but I`ve met friends on here that I know will be friends for life. The environment, the people, their stories.. it`s all fascinating. Thank you for creating such a wonderful place where people can come and be themselves, meet new people and hopefully eventually find someone amazing like I did. "
Testimonial from Trucker Passions
"Thank you so much, Trucker Passions! I have found the love of my life thru your website."
Testimonial from Native American Passions
"I found what I was Looking for and I'm closing my site down."
Testimonial from Cosplay Passions
"Met someone wonderful from a different room here. we had similar
interests;started chatting,with more chatting;then phone calls,with more
chatting/talking;for about 2+ months(figured we had the equivalent of
multiple dates?). decided to meet(a public place);we really hit it off from
there;and have been together ever since. so,yes,it can happen. some
"guy"advice? dont be afraid to take a chance,step outside your comfort zone
abit,be your true self,and tell the truth(a lies a terrible way to try to
start a relationship) & have a nice,friendly(decent!)current photo of
yourself(and only one wants to see your ex,honestly!) oh,and
have fun with this,ok? its all about love. not lust(lol) good luck to all!!"
Testimonial from Native American Passions
"Hello to all on NAP, I am here to tell all that YES IT CAN HAPPEN. I met
the most wonderful Man here on NAP. WE started communicating and we decided
after a couple of months it was time to meet. Upon meeting in January we
both Fell in Love and we were married on January 31st 2012. TO all who feel
this site is not actually a dating and romace site, as you can see it CAN
be!!!! I wish all of you the best in finding your true Love...."
Testimonial from Native American Passions
"hey all! YES its true!! --------- and I were married on Jan.31,2012!!
We were both single for many years,after meeting we fell in love! I want to
tell everyone that it can happen and dont give up hope!!My best advice to
everyone is be yourself,be honest,and dont let a chance pass you by! there
is hope for everyone! We are so blessed to have found each other thru
NAP,,THANKU NAP!!,,,so,,to everyone,,,never give up hope,because it will
happen!! aho!!,,,--------- =======>!happyAbnak! "
Testimonial from Trek Passions
"Hi peeps, Just thought I'd send you a thank you as I finally met the
love of my life (------) through trekpassions. We have since moved in
together and are looking forward to spending our lives with one another.
Just thought we would send you this so that maybe it shows more skeptical
people that internet sites such as this do work if people give them a try.
Thanks guys, this wouldn't have been possible without you. Will keep you
posted. Regards, Shane & Kelly."
Testimonial from Goth Passions
"I haven't been a member very long on gothpassions, but my recent
girlfriend thought it would be nice to tell you all how much we appreciate
your site. Because of your totally free website, we happened to meet it each
other and we both are in love with one another terribly. We both believe
that if it wasn't for you guys, we would never had met. SO I want to thank
you guys fully for doing what you do because I no longer feel the need to
continue searching for my beloved and I hope to marry this gorgeous woman
some day."
Testimonial from Native American Passions
"I just wanted to say thank the site because I found the love of my life here!THANK YOU!!!!"
Testimonial from Trek Passions
"I met the love of my life on this site and we got married in November!!!"
Testimonial from Trucker Passions
"i would just like to thank you for having this website.if it were not
for y'all i would have not met the most wonderful man in the world.we have
been together for a while now.and are hopelessly in love.i would like to
send y'all some pics of us so u can see what y'all have done for us. thank
you from the bottom of my heart i thought i would never find the one.after
being on your site i think it was only a week i messaged a guy to say hi see
if he needed a friend thats all and what i found out was
that we had too many things in common to hold back we hit it off so well and
are together forever.i am known on your trukerpassions as ------- he
is ---------- just once again thank you u r a success in our book!!!!!we can
not thank you enough for bringing us together"
Testimonial from Native American Passions
"I've had my profile on several other pay sites in hopes of meeting that
special someone. I cam upon your website upon accident, but signed up
anyway. One of the men has really made quite an impression on me through
this website. We have had several internet correspondences and have decided
to take the next step by exchanging phone numbers. If it weren't for this
website, I might never have met him. I want to say thank you."
Testimonial from Large Passions
"I used to be a member of this site and absolutely loved it. The only reason I am no longer on it is because I am in a relationship with someone I met on your site."
Testimonial from Large Passions
"Hello LargePassions, I just wanna say thank you. I (------) met Andy
(--------) on your website and we're inseparable :) I never thought I would
really, REALLY, fall in love in life, let alone over the internet. He
emailed me in October and we exchanged numbers and before we knew it, we
were falling in love. We exchanged gifts for Valentines, which I have never
done before. Even though we live hundreds of miles away, he always made me
smile and happy :) I went up to see him in March and we've been together
since then. I know it's not been 5 months yet but I just wanna tell you that
you guys, with your site, have made me extremely happy and wonderful. We're
looking at me going to college up there for next year so we can live
together. Thank you so much, I owe you! :) Lily"
Testimonial from Large Passions
"Dear Large Passions...I just felt I needed to write to you and express
my eternal gratitude for your site. Around june 22 of this year I signed up
and put my profile on your site. On the 24th I was sent a smooch from a
woman in Idaho, I live in Washington... She had just joined that very same
day. I messaged her back and we have been e mailing and talking on the phone
ever since. I know it may sound cliche but it truly and without question is
as if we have been waiting for one another our entire lives. We have fallen
strangely, madly, passionately and deeply in love. It still blows me away
and every day I am amazed by my more than good fortune..Neither one of us
are naive and we both have lived through some very traumatic events in our
lives. Without sounding too repetitive, we both feel that we were meant to
be together and that our paths have been crossed thanks to you and the
divine intentions of things beyond this world..I am going to be moving down
to Idaho within the next 6 months or so.. I have to finish up some prior
obligations.. and then we shall begin spending the remainder of our lives
together.. I know it is hard to believe, but we know in our hearts that this
is a rare example of happily ever after..I dont know... Im sure Im rambling
but I just cant help it..She is honestly the most beautiful, amazing,
compassionate and kind woman in the world.. Large Passions will forever have
a special place in our hearts.. and I guess I just needed to let you all
know that.. Thanks in part to you there are two people in this world who
have found a happiness beyond description...I guess its as simple as
that...Thank you doesnt even really begin to fully express my gratitude and
appreciation for the part you have played... but It will have to do..
so....Thank You...Sincerely..Darren"
Testimonial from Native American Passions
"I was on your website a couple of months ago and closed my account
because your website worked...My account was ----- and I met ------- on this
website...we are together now and I'moving in with him :)"
Testimonial from Punk Passions
"would just like to thank punkpassions as i am now engaged to a match i
found on here -------.....we decided to meet up after months of talking and
got on so well we got together and here we are many months on now engaged.
thankyou x"
Testimonial from Large Passions
"I just wanted to thank Large Passions for helping me find the love of
my life. If this wasn't here, our relationship would have never been
possible. Ever since Jermaine and I have met, it has been amazing. We
clicked instantly, and we have so much in common with each other. I would
have never thought, not even in a thousand years, that finding love online
would be possible. But through this site he and I were able to connect and
fall in love. Even though we have only been together for a short time, and
live 5 hours apart, we are still making it work for us. And we are hoping
for many more moons to show our love for each other. Thank you Large
Passions for making this all possible. This is really amazing. Pauline"
Testimonial from Bisexual Passions
"My new love and I met on this site. We will be together forever."
Testimonial from Passions Network
"Hi. I am here to tell you my story. Well actually it is our story. I met
the LOVE OF MY LIFE right here on Passions Network.
I had been single for 8 years and thought I was just not going to find Mr
Right. I had met a few men on dating sites but WOW they were NOT what I was
looking for. I cant say I had a specific physical template to fill or an
exact list of personality traits. I just knew I would know when I found him.
I was about to give up. I thought maybe it just wasn't meant to be, I was
about to throw in the towel and when I checked into my account here I seen a
message from a guy I didn't give a chance when he first messaged me. I
thought he looked mean or grumpy and I just wasn't willing to go through
that again. But some little voice said to say hi anyway. He is nothing like
my first impression. He is the most kind-hearted, loving, sincere, honorable
man I have ever known. We started with just a few messages back and forth.
Then we started chatting on that yahoo site. Soon we were exchanging phone
numbers and talking constantly. He is an OTR Truck Driver and I a Psychology
Student @ UW- Madison.
The first one up would call the other and I would talk with him until he
arrived safely at his destination. We shared EVERYTHING!! The good - the bad
and oh yeah the ugly. It was strange at times, one of us would be saying
that we felt this way about something and the other would chime right in and
say "Me too!" We even started finishing each other's sentences. We both have
gone through horrible relationships and bad marriages and talked openly and
honestly about why they failed and our responsibility for their failures. We
discussed spiritual beliefs and how we wanted a relationship that was loving
and supportive and happy. How we would go about keeping such a relationship
going. What was important to each of us and surprisingly enough we agreed on
99%. We were also brutally honest with each other, and still are. Honesty is
the key.
We believe that Love, Honesty and Communication are the bedrock of our
relationship. We each believe that life must be lived with HONOR.
You might think we are exactly the same but actually we are quite different.
He is more worldly, I am a local kid. He has been in many parts of the world
while I have only been to 6 or 7 states. He is Goth. I am more of a Hippy.
He wears black. I love colors. Also something I NEVER thought would happen
to me is he is younger than me, only 5 years but still younger. He has a
small family. Mine is Large. He has a cat. Me a dog and a bird. He is not
into sweets ( E-GADS! ) Me, I adore them.
But it all comes out wonderfully. We balance each other out. Help each other
in our short comings and daily life issues. Before we met in person I was
already in love with this man. When we finally met in person I knew he was
my soul mate. I had this wonderful feeling come over me the first time we
held hands and when we hugged I finally had a face to put on all the dreams
that I had about "the man of my dreams.
So when you ask is my special someone out there? The answer is yes. Will you
find him/her here on Passions Network. Maybe/ Maybe Not. But you can't sit
there expecting him/her to come walking into your kitchen.....but then again
you never know.
Be honest, be careful but most of all be yourself!. It's not about money or
what the other one can give you. It's about how sharing life with each other
with the intent to make the other persons life the best it can be. Post a
current Picture. Tell them you hate Country music or whatever but let them
enjoy it because they love it. And remember always live with honor and
always expect honor from your partner. And smile!
Thank You Passions Network!
Good Luck to ALL!!!"
Testimonial from Tattoo Passions
"Christine & Rob met on Tattoo Passions, a dating and networking site specifically for those with a passion for ink. Rob asked Christine to marry him in the simplest of ways - "Nothing fancy. He's not that kinda guy". (I think the ring says otherwise - that is one gorgeous ring!)"
The above testimonial was pulled from an article in Marry Me Ink
Testimonial from Jewish Passions
"Found my soul mate!"
Testimonial from Native American Passions
"Thank you. Thank you. This site has changed my life forever. I finally found my ohter half and it ws on the Passions I first signed up for, NAP (Native American Passions) will always hold a place in my heart. Just wanted to say keep looking and be open to it. Thanks again."
Testimonial from Large Passions
"Hope you all find what your looking for. I did. Thanks Large Passions!"
If you have met your special someone on Passions Network, please
Let us know.
(Please provide as much detail as you feel comfortable sharing, along with the Passions Network site you originally joined.)