I wear a T-shirt and jeans about 360 days a year and I detest what is generously called 'fashion'. I wear very little makeup, I don't paint my nails, and I wear sandals as much as possible. I know what you're thinking! No, I'm not a hippie or a slob. I shower every day, I swear! lol.
I really like horror movies and video games... not because I'm a goth or preparing for the zombocalypse or anything, but simply because I find horror to be the most entertaining genre

I laugh easily, and at everything... especially at ridiculous things. I love to be outside, day or night.
My favorite place in the world is Arizona, especially the Grand Canyon. I love hiking and camping and would love to make friends with people who have the initiative to drag me away from writing my thesis and into the woods, away from the sounds of cars and the lights of cities.
I don't lie, especially about myself. I feel I have an appropriate amount of self-confidence. I don't care what strangers think of me, and I don't try to be anything that I'm not. I continually try to emanate the positive qualities that I see in others, and I try to change when I disappoint myself.
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