I am also extremely spiritual, but I wouldn't consider myself religious. I have a very strong connection with Nature, especially trees, rocks, and the ocean. I love researching Native, as well as Japanese, spirituality.
I am a complete geek and adore video games and Japanese animation/manga. I love going to conventions and meeting like-minded people when it comes to these interests.
Music-wise, I adore classic rock above all else. I think the music of MY generation is pretty terrible...unless you count early 90's alternative...which wasn't really my generation's music at all.
Genetics-wise...I am extremely pale. We're pretty much a Heinz 57, but mainly German and we burn in the sun. However, I believe it was either my great grandmother or great great grandmother was pure Sioux, which was VERY obvious when looking at my grandfather. Even if I can't identify as Native by law, it is a culture I have identified most with ever since I was a little girl.
I am someone who loves to have fun, but also contemplate life and Nature. I have noticed a lot of people here believe as I do, in that smoking, excessive drinking, and drugs (perscription not withstanding...I have a thyroid disorder so I understand...blegh) are a disrespect to the body and spirit you were gifted with. I would love to converse with like-minded people about everything, including about cultural things.
I am mainly looking for friendship, but if something grew from a friendship, I wouldn't mind. I think relationships that grow from friendships are the most successful and trustworthy anyway.
Feel free to contact me and talk to me about whatever you woul