I'm not looking for any specific type of relationship, only respectful, loving connection with a mindful person. Whatever happens, happens. It's happened before and it'll happen again

In a nutshell - Life: I'm an English teacher, single mother of one, love to dance (you don't have to join me unless you want to), bike, be outside, explore places near and far, and spend time with close friends. I am drawn to the misty, green Columbia gorge and wonder if I could ever live outside the city, amidst the trees and waterfalls. Personality: Chill with life but passionate, nonjudgmental (I try my best), kind, good listener. I enjoy the wind, a stormy ocean, roadtrips, and fresh lavender, rose water and honeysuckle. My Match: not too critical (seriously, this is my biggest peeve), brave enough to be real, and not so worried about the past or future that you can't enjoy the present moment. And you must l-o-v-e women and their bodies. No haters, addicts or inflated egos please. Thanks