I am a mixed-blood Mono/Paiute/European from the California foothills. For the last 9 years or so I've been living here in New Zealand in the Maori community.
I have more interests than there are trees in the forest, one of those is a love for new peoples and new places. New Zealand, or Aotearoa as they call it here is a cultural crossroads for people from everywhere. (Islanders, Chinese, Africans, Europeans, even those pesky Aussies!)
I've chosen to live in a poorer area because it's richer in what's important, the people. I live on the North island.
The Maori have a saying, "He aha te mea nui?, he tangata, he tangata, he tangata!". (What is the most important thing? It's the people, the people, the people!)
I'd love to find new friends overseas at least. But a life-partner would be ideal. A woman who is up to the challenges of living in a new place with new people.... and someone who can get the hang of English teatime!