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 lostspirit (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Our sick home |
I can only speak for myself when I say, “what the heck went wrong?
“How could we do SOOO much damage, and why?
“Why are we not thinking about our actions?
We have all this S**T (garbage is more like it), that makes life more easy, and convenient. We can just sit on our fat happy bums eating garbage getting fatter, while machines and pills do what MAN used to do on his own. Manually. Back in the day exercise was unheard of. Daily life and survival made you fit.
What the frell happened to that?
Cancer has become readily and abundantly available in a wide variety of flavors, shapes, sizes and colors (probably in a relative near YOU). My mom just died of it Sept. 22. My boyfriends father has it.
And our Earth mother. She has the absolute nastiest, festering, rancid, open sores. A leprous wound. And the sh*t we create on a massive scale, the garbage we consume¦.it just adds to it. It builds and builds. Soon her face wont be recognizable anymore. Ever seen a picture of Joseph/John Merrick (the Elephant man). All those abnormal growths and mishaped head and face. We are doing that to her.
I wish there was another earth, or a similar planet that was livable with water and vegetation we can eat. I wish those of us that arent afraid of busting our bums, to get sh*t done could move and start over. The freaking Amish been doing it without technology. Still going strong. Why cant we?
I WANT that option. I want to be able to stay home and take care of things at home. I dont want to go work for someone else, to take the money that Ive worked for, and have to turn around and give it to 5 other freaking people (DUKE ENERGY, Verizon, GMAC, land lord, etc.) Shoot man, I can learn how to cook without a microwave¦.or hell, lemme go even further.
As long as there are horses, I dont have to have a car. Last I checked, horses are not an endangered species. I already know how to hand stitch. Itll be hard, but I can make my own clothes and shoes if shown how. I can learn how to grow food. I know how to fish. I love fishing. Hunting, well¦.Id rather let the man go do that one, Im not comfortable with that so much (I dont have a problem skinning it and cooking up the meat though).
In this "GREAT" nation we live in, if I actually lived this way, you know what would happen ? The state would take my son away. For living the way we are meant to live. I don't see the gov't going after any Amish kids. But if I live without running water and electricity, someone else can decide what's best for us and our family.
All those things that we as a people of EVERY RACE, what we used to do. How we used to live. Again, I ask¦..What the frell happened? Where did it go? And most importantly, WHY?!!!!
Is technology and convenience worth sacrificing the health of YOU or someone you love ? What about the mother ? Do you NOT love or care for your own home ? What the heck, man ?
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 dragonsaint (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`Technology is not all bad eg Solar panels (wish the newer models would come to south africa !) it depends what you do with it and whether you have enough strength and decency to take only what you need. Sure things like microwaves aren't essential, those things make people lazy but at the end of the day knowledge is power, you can live off the grid if you want, saying: "I'm hurting no one by my actions" but then are you really helping ? All these diseases that are festering are coming up because people are taking advantage of technology and they're using it for the worst reasons (eg Monsanto and all their GM rubbish pouring into the american market and 3rd world countries) if you don't have the knowledge you won't be able to fight back
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 lostspirit (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
Fight back with what ? This is exactly why I'm so frustrated, because I've no clue where to even begin, other than teaching my son what NOT to do.
I DO love the solar panels, you've a great point there. Thanks for commenting
Some days I feel overwhelmed and hopeless when I see more articles on more garbage, and pollution. Like the one about people that take prescription meds. When they go *potty* the drugs from their waste do not always come out during the water treatment process. This is very horrifying to me.
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 dragonsaint (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`I hear what you're saying and it is frustrating because the mess is so huge, one becomes overwhelmed quickly. Whenever i go to the supermarket and am lounging by the organic fruit section i see alot of mothers/women coming over to take a look at the fruit and see what's the big deal about organic, if she moves away without picking anything up and goes to the non organic section which is right next to the organic one I'll speak up - usually they're very receptive and curious, especially if it concerns the health of their children.
If I didn't have the internet (technology), I wouldn't have the knowledge i started accumulating +10 yrs ago, the newspapers and magazines here print very few articles on the benefit of green / greener living and if i didn't come across the info in the first place, I'd have been eating food full of pesticides - people think if you eat fruit and veg you'll be healthier but not today where the fertilizer is packed with so much garbage it has a toxic hazard sign on it. Each person you know has the potential to pass info onto 10+ more people. there's a right way and a wrong way to handle technology, we just have to make sure that we spread the correct info as far as we can and try to influence where we can ^__^
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Joined: June 17, 2009
Posts: 10
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`I tend to agree with much of your rant. Although I think you should be very wary of any doctor who mouths the word "cancer" to you. Look for natural and spiritual healing, instead of trusting those doctors!
Seems like any time anyone tries to "break out" of the way things are, they are PUNISHED for trying. At least that's been my experience, but I still try to buck the system, whenever possible...
You just do the best you can, in the situation you're in, I guess. Sometimes there is no choice except to make compromises, but you just keep trying, pushing for as much as you can get, as far as living the way you really want to live.
I know I could abandon technology entirely, if I was in the right circumstances, or at least come darn close to it, but this modern world keeps dragging me back in, every time I try to break away. Been that way since the "white man" took over, I guess? All those who tried to escape their "net of control" were declared "criminals" and/or "terrorists" and were either confined or killed. (really, you'll get about the same result, if you try, even now) Now they've had their way for hundreds of years, and you see the result - the land is completely despoiled, polluted, ruined - soon it will not even be able to sustain life anymore, with the air, the land, and the water all polluted. This is the price of "technology" and "progress".
I think the use and/or manufacture of all polluting products and manufacturing practices should be OUTLAWED and STOPPED IMMEDIATELY, before it is simply too late.
Really, it's reached that point, where it should simply be considered a crime against all of humanity, to pollute the earth - since the earth is something we ALL depend on, for our life and health. If just that one thing could be agreed upon and established, a lot could then change.
But it's going to be hard to make that happen, when so many expect to get rich from the despoiling of the land and it's resources, without regard for what they are doing to the environment, or how they are hurting all of us.
There are a lot of things we all could do without, but it's hard to "swim upstream" so to speak, when everybody else is living another way, and expects you to do the same!
"Working for wages" is not a natural way to live. That's all part of what's creating the "imbalance" in our society and our environment. Learning how to live off the land again, in a natural way, is the only way to restore balance. But it won't be possible, if we let things reach a point where the land, air and water, has becme too tainted, to even support us!
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 cerulean (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`My Dear Green Warriors,
Human race is still young. Knowledge, science, expansion are all natural consequences of human nature. Curiosity and the intelligence given to man, by the Father of All Beings, will drive the machinery of developments in every possible aspect of human existence. But we are imperfect yet. That is why we are here on earth. We are on this plane to learn and become.
Manifestation of our imperfection is in pollution, distruction, war, pain……
..But guess what….there is also love, compassion, joy, and always….. hope.
In Peru, a very popular way of addressing seriously sick patients is through assigning to a patient 3 healers, each of them sharing equal responsibility for the treatment:
One being a herbologist, second a psychologist and third being a classical medical doctor.
Together they form the most powerful team that can address the healing of the mind body and soul with effects at the level conventional medicine cannot.
Technology and science can be our friend and with wisdom, it becomes a fantastic tool.
All we need to do is pray and share all our love.
Changes are happening…like ripples in water.
Earth will be transformed.
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Joined: April 2, 2011
Posts: 30
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Yes, it's easy to get discouraged and f----ered with the way things are on our planet. I personally DON'T want us to discover another planet to live on. We aren't responsible with this one yet. Just do your part to help our Grandmother.
Recycle as much as you can and buy recycled products to close the loop. Take only what you NEED, not want. Try not to use plastic, as plastic comes from petroleum. That's a hard one. Here's a challenge: don't use your AC in the summer. I haven't used mine in 2 summers and my utility bill was great!! Our relatives as recently as 50-60years ago didn't have AC, even in the cities, and they survived. Keep a ceramic coffee cup and/or a glass with you in the car for drinks. Buy locally and support the farmers' markets, especially the organic farms. Use mass transit whenever possible or bike or (GASP!) walk. Don't leave lights on in rooms not occupied. Turn the thermostat down and put on more warm clothes in the winter. Mine is at 68 (which I consider chilly); a friend keeps hers at 56! BRRR! Pick up trash wherever you are.
We all need to remember that we adults are being watched ALL the time by the children. What kind of example are you showing with your speech, actions, wallet?
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