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I am wondering..... Natives and their political views?

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September 14, 2012
Posts: 11

PostPosted:     Post subject: I am wondering..... Natives and their political views?
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I wander what are the native peoples political views in general?

I have seen too many profiles stating "not into politics" "not political" and such.

I guess it reflects how native americans feel towards the US governments that have been for aeons genociding and neglecting them.

I understand that there might be feelings of hate, disapointment or simply ignoring the government and the white mans political system alltogether. Like "its none of our business, we dont get involved, we dont care, does not concern us as people".

It is not quite clear to me whether they still have CHiefs and figures of power that have control over the diffrent tribes/nations.

On the other hand, I see a lot of male profiles stating that they are or have been in the US army.

I understand that some native tribes have been warriors, and just maybe this is a "call of blood".

BUT, doesnt being in the army in many ways show that they agree and support the way US goverment chooses to conduct its business?

I find this to be a somewhat controvertial issue.

SO I would like to ask.... What percentage of native population vote, and what would they more likely be voting for?

How do they feel about government and politics, and how do they feel about the army and the US wars intotal?

I am really interested in that.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`I do not like the government! But like you pointed out... Not all Natives are going to have the same ideas BUT there are groups of Native Americans who voice out their strong opinions. If you really want to learn more about Native American views, I think it would be a good idea to start by listening to what these groups have to say. One of the most famous of these groups would be the A.I.M. (American Indian Movement). They are known for fighting for a better future for all Indian peaples. There is also a group of singers called the H.G.S. Savage Family. And even though some peaple might not like the style of their music, that does not stop them from using their music to voice out their VERY STRONG opinions. There is even a Native comedy group called The 1491s. Even though they make a lot of funny videos, they also make serious videos about serios issues. There is also other groups. Im talking about these groups becouse I personaly agree with what the peaple of these groups have to say about 99% of the time. They are very smart peaple who should be heard. You should try listening to peaple like Russell Means or Dennis Banks. I love these peaple becouse I truly believe they represent the voices of many traditional Native American peaple including myself.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`You say as Aristotle did "you must ask the right preliminary question to succeed". Wow, you might be a real mind found on the internet! But on this crappy free site, everything is under "AI" Artificial Intelligence. Their text or email fails or women today have all gone transhuman with their c-phone devices.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`My op' on it is, we ndn' are very hypocritical and subject to -------ism! sweeping the world. All the real ndn are long dead! my 2 cents

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