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 ndnheart (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: To Conqueror not to Compromise on any native land |
The meaning, “our greatest enemy is not your brother, but it ourselves
Its to be the salt and light for the world.
The elders have our stories to teach how to conqueror and not to compromise.
And not to coward against the hells legions thats trying to destroy our nation.
Our Holy People say our word is either all or none at all. If it is not holy enough , that they are not Holy at all. Which is it?
The Holy People is here to seek and save to the lost. Thats their last command to our People.
To teach the young ones not to believe in you, but to get your people to believe in Us (Holy People).
The hogan is not a retirement center for spiritual fat cats
The hogan is a home where the rejected feel the warm embracement
The hogan is a hospital for the spiritual wounded
The hogan is a place for hopeless and the hurting
I dont care what you have done or how low you fallen
The grace of the Holy People will pick you back up. And the elders will speak of that.
They will give you a new life, and a new beginning.
Like they say, when the student is ready, the teacher appears.
Listen shi Dineh, we are losing the spiritual warfare for this land and for this Nation.
Navajo Nation is drowning in the cesspool of drugs, alcohol and vernal diseases
Abortionism and satanism. Murder and. Even homosexuality.
Child abuse, incest and ----ography.
Is there and answer for our Navajo people?
Right now the academic community in America is defending pedophile.
Think about this, on the late night talk shows the academic types are defending , thats S-- between a man and a child. DEFENDING IT!
And people say it will never happen. And yes it will happen! People like
And if you dont stand up and speak up. It will happen.
Look the BIA is taking control of our government, and dont laugh. If thats gone our Treaty might be gone.
Than if thats gone maybe our land may go with it. And it may happen.
There is an answer for my drug addicted friend. There is no high like the holy high.
There is an answer to the gang problem and the answer is for the power gospel for fathers who abandoned their sons to go home and get those little hell raisers that they abandoned and take them by the nap of the neck. And start teaching them the word of the Holy People. By the example, you get out on the street father. And go home to that wife oooooor to that girlfriend that you birth all those babies with. And support that her and support them children. Their your responsibility. Not the welfare department responsibility.
There is an answer to the divorce problem. Is it the power of the gospel. Husband love your wives, like Heavenly Father loves Mother Earth.
Wives submit to yourselves to own husbands. Quit running around from ever empty headed gag fly you know to getting advise. Quit watching them brainless New York talk shows that have a physiatricist to cross the street. For the husband is the head of the wife. And thats the word of the heaven.
And the problem in Navajo home, that there is one body and two heads. Which is a physically a freak.
What is the attitude of the Holy People toward the lost? Well there are ways that a person can be lost.
The lost sheep is one of them. Lets talk about the lost sheep.
Sheep was not lost because it is plotting against the shepherd, its cunning, devised is used to avoid spiritual authority. Like most of us. Basically in the animal world the sheep are stupid. And when you know absolutely how stupid they are it is almost offensive to know that God calls us sheep.
Sheep are blind and defenseless. The only thing they can do is when the wolf comes rips out their throat to bleed. They are careless. And until it falls into a deep ditch it cries and here comes the predator. Some of you are in a deep ditch because of your foolish choices. That ditch is called a divorce, no money¦depth. And addiction. You are there because of you chose to be there.
Life has consequences to your choices. A sheep without a shepherd is already dead.
Today we say, “well, I like for you to love me, pet me, pray for me, pamper me, visit with me, pity with me and wine with me, because Im just praying that I can hold on to the end. Me, me, me, me, me, me, me.
Its not going to happen. How dare you¦
Nez |
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 kaskiyeh (deleted)
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Joined: August 28, 2008
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`Yes, there are a lot of problems in this country. Indians and whites are both the same. They both have problems. They are only human beings. But the point is, they need to learn how to manage stress more effectively. There are ways to do that. We can go get a foot massage or face massage or back massage, you know, to get the stress out of our mind. Hot chocolate or hot soup will help stop the migraines. There is so much good information out there to use to manage our personal issues better. What we need is information to help ourselves and improve the way we cope with stress. God help those who help themselves. With so much problems out there, I think people are looking for someone to heal them with loving words, hugs, things like that. I am a survivor. I had discovered the secret to happiness through my struggles and painful experiences. That was how I found out the secret. We are powerful spirits who volunteered to leave heaven to taste life on the earth knowing that life was not meant to be bed of roses. It was not meant to be. We must go through life that Jesus did. Without experience and struggles, we can never advance spiritually.
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 wanblii (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`While much of his observations of the Navajo Nation, and I guess the outside world, are valid (somehwhat), he uses way too much blabber to get his point across. Thinking back on it, all that comes to mind is homosexuality, , holy people, BIA, "be a man for once in your life," lost sheeps, it's your choice, and putting on the "amor of god" and "growing up" like this here alone is apparently the answer to all the problems of reality.
I'm no expert on the subject of 'change' but I can tell ya'll one thing, what "putting on the amor of god" implys to me, is not going to solve any of us Natives' socio-political problems. Like I heard a good fellow put it once, "Redemption is not located under a church steeple." Decolonize your mind first then maybe you'll see that the European religions' that once had everything to do with the genocide of our people and the theft of our lands, is not the answer; in fact, through any of the ways of the colonizer, is not the answer, if we ever hope to acheive liberation.
I must say to ya'll too that their religion, for us Natives, plays a big part in our not being able to unify and work for freedom as autonymous peoples, because it keeps us subvervient to them and their established religious order whose history is all about, they the rulers, and the people, like us, the subservient. Decolonize your minds - free your mind.
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Joined: June 4, 2009
Posts: 63
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`Right. I had been inside the white men's churches whether they are Christian or Mormon or Lutheran or Quaker, I had seen too many members not walking their talk as this or that. They had not been consistent. And you're right. They don't care about or respect other cultures. It's true.
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 born2bemild (deleted)
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To understand yourself you have to understand your enemy. Or is the other way around?
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