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Joined: November 26, 2007
Posts: 9
Posted: Post subject: Death |
Brothers and sisters, can anyone out here tell me if there is a stribng of bad luck that tracks you like a plague. I only ask this because I have hurt alot of people and I feel as if there is nothing but bad luck coming my way. Life sucks, I walked the path of being an even keeled partner with my wife or ex. I was with her 21years and strayed about a year ago. I have mixed emotions about it, I was not happy in that relationship. I think that she was okay with it, but I was never happy with the leash being to short and not being able to live life. I just wanted to get out and enjoy myself socially with or without her. Camping, sports, hiking, and traveling. I could never do this with her, and now I left for about a year. I still love her because she was a friend also and I also met someone else, but I was never able to commit with her until I was completely out of my relationship with my wife. Is it just karma or just bad timing? I lost my girlfriend because of me being stupid, I should have done it right, shall I pursue my girlfriend or just move on? Feels kinds silly to be writing this online...haha! anyhow, or blog!
phoenixwarrior |
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Joined: December 4, 2007
Posts: 11
Posted: Post subject: |
Hi, I hope you don't mind me replying to you but your post prompted me to reply.
Firstly, you have to completely get over your relationship with your wife and get that out of your system before embarking on a new relationship with anyone. You won't be able to give your whole focus and attention until you do. Allow the process to take all the time it needs and try to accept that this is a learning experience for you. Look for the lesson and accept it and where you've come from through it and where you're going from it.
Secondly, bad luck doesn't follow you but if you feel negative about yourself, the energy of that negativity will only attract more negative energy, which needs more of the same on which to feed and grow and you will become more and more negative. Instead of focussing on what you feel you've done wrong, think about the good things about yourself and put your focus into those. Take the time to get to know yourself, the real you, open your heart to positive energy and positivity will be attracted to you. Walk in beauty always brother.
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 blondie54 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Hi there |
Well We all make mistakes my friend,And we learn by them,You have to do what you think is right for you,Life is to short. I was Married for many years,We lived more like friends,He passsed away 3 months ago,Which was a blessing for him,He was in a very bad way,Its only now that i realise that i loved him,and miss him very very much,He was my best friend if nothing else,So don't waste time,Because its Presious.Do what you have to.Take care.
Averil x
Averil xx |
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Posted: Post subject: |
.what is wrong with this?I was told! that people find there love on the web? how, is that suppose to happen!and when? people. responed,and then.there gone? no goodbye,or kiss off!why are they on site's like this! "IF" your not give the other person.the thought of "MAYBE" and then take it! away.there is no respect! "any more".SO! I leave all you with "THIS" DON'T START!IF YOURE NOT GOING TO SEE! IT THROUGH.we all have feelings.and the main thing is aren't we ADULTS????
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 rezmouse (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Freecloud I hope that you come back do not give up yet |
hello Freecloud....I found your post on here....I have sent you an email but I dont think that you have been on to check it. I hope that you have not completely given up yet. I'm here....I wanted to talk to you and get to know you if you will give me the chance so please do not give up, not yet....This isnt easy for me to talk to someone without them talking to me first but something in your eyes and in your words wouldnt leave me alone so here I am writing to you. Your words in your profile touched me deep inside somewhere and actually made me cry. You have feelings like I do like I wish everyone did. I just moved to this area and am trying to find a new job and get settled so I have been very busy but I thought I would look around for someone to talk to ,even though I am usually too shy to talk to anyone, when I saw your profile. I wasnt looking for anything particular mainly just for some friends that feel as I do for my culture but I found you and something drove me towards you so I made a profile and stayed on here.Do you have aol? You can find me there under my signature at the bottom of this. I hope you do not give up yet and that you come back here to find my emails.
Lakotarezmouse AKA Stormyponies
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 littlemma_PREV (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
.If this directed to me? I don't have aol and can't bring up your name on here.Why not just send a email? |
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Joined: July 10, 2008
Posts: 5
Posted: Post subject: |
I'm here...looking to meet new people |
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 quantumstar111_PREV (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Regarding closure |
I met someone online around 3 years ago. We conversed over 30 times a day and then eventually progressed to skype with a video cam. He lives over seas and I am in Arizona. He looked nothing like the pic I saw online of himself, but we connected and knew we were soul mates. Did not matter to me what he looked like, Iloved him the way he was.
We spent time on video daily, nothing crazy, just looking at each other and smiling, crying and really being in love. Around 2 months ago we were in the most intense love there was and he would call me up crying and weeping and then told me I needed someone better. I told him I was crazy about him and he said "no, It is the other way around" and then we have not talked since on video cam. I cannot find closure about this and even though I am embarking on new adventures, in my heart I feel so sad about this.
closure. that is something I need. Why is it that some don't give that and just leave you hanging? I still cry over it.
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 humored0ne_PREV (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
You wrote this long ago and being a navajo, I always have something to say.. so here it goes *laughs*
First off, you were already DONE with the relationship before you were divorced. It is obvious to me that you were itching to get out of there LONG before you had the.. "Do I want this?" speech to yourself. I am a firm believer of never getting a divorce. With that, I must also say that not only were you not being true to yourself by allowing your heart to be open for another women to come in but you were disrespecting the bond of marriage.
I find it that our gods and guiders have a very keen sense of humor which they find ways to teach and hurt us at the same time which eventually makes us stronger in the end. Sounds like you met this girl and the realization that you really needed out of the relationship (wife) occurred but left you bonded to another (girlfriend). This can get tricky and when you decide to do the right thing... you get hurt in the end either way.
If this woman was right for you, she would have stuck by your side. It looks like she was a messenger to distract you from being dishonest to yourself about the marriage and for that, you should thank her.
Do not chase what doesn't want to be caught.
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 chumani67_PREV (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
I know this is an old post but I do notice that Pheonixwarrior is not a deleted member here. I guess I do find it confusing that you are still ---- up on your ex..have some thing(?) going on with the girlfriend you had when you were with your ex..but asking about this all on a dating site???lol
I can only speak from what I have known..but I do think it makes it easy to avoid being fully committed to another human being if we are always in our past relatioship, or worried about what might be "better" around the corner while we are in a current relationship. I would not call it bad luck..but we do pay a price for our decisions. For myself it has not been what is "better"...but what might be "easier"..and believe me that thinking has not served me well. But we all ARE a work in progress, ya know! Good "luck" to you..and peace.
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Joined: August 28, 2008
Posts: 34
Posted: Post subject: RE: Death |
I came across your post that you wrote last year. I know this is old but I have something to say to you. There is a best seller book called "The Secret" It talks about negative thoughts that attract negative energy.
It tells stories about people who were finally able to make their inner wishes/dreams come true by switching from negative thoughts to positive thoughts.
There was another story about a man who wished for money by projecting a positive thought out to the world. He sent it out and he ended up getting a lot of money. You got to read the book and find out the secret to how to apply your positive thoughts to making your dreams come true.
I remember reading a story about a man who wished for something so he decided to paint his wishes on the canvas. He painted different wishes he had on his mind. He finished the painting and ---- it on the wall in his bedroom.
He looked at it every night and repeated his wish every night and concentrated on his wishes. Sure enough, his wishes finally came true. How did he manage to make his wishes come true??? Well, find out what is in the book. You need to check out that book. It is so interesting!
Another thing that came to mind. Anytime people get a divorce, it is wise to wait for one full year before you could be emotionally stable enough to start a relationship with someone else. I remember reading that somewhere about maybe 2 years ago. It is in the book called "Dating for Dummies" It is a very good book.
When people get a divorce, their first year after divorce is usually very rough. Then second year gets a lot better. Depression gradually passes
and new positive memories replace old negative memories. It really helps a great deal.
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 cetatehila1 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: hi |
I feel as though I have a string of Bad Luck or karma one.I cant succeed in anything I do it always backfires on me.Its like I take one step forward and 100 steps back and not get anywhere its like I am going in circles at times.Does anyone else feel this way?I know I have done some wicked things in my past and I regret it but what does what has happened in the past have to do with the here and now?I wonder.If all my bad luck has to do with my wicked past?And what can I do to undo what I have done?I have said prayers to no avail I dont think.And I have smudged myself and my surroundings.And still feel I cant shake negative energy and thoughts of other people as well as actions.I will tell more about what I mean later on.I have seen some wicked things in my past that were plain evil in words I cant explain.I felt presences in the home I used to live in and seen and felt things not of this world I hope to never ever see again in my life time.I feel as though I could be in a Battle between good and Evil torn between the two in other worlds.Does this make any sense to anyone?So I can relate to people whne they say they have bad luck in their lifes.I have been there still there as well.
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