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Spotted Pony

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September 4, 2008
Posts: 19

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Sumer is saying good bye and autum follows in the circle of life. Leaves are turning red and golden, the last warm sunrays give us a sweet hug,before the spirit of the north wind blews with might...time to light our fires and gather around for story telling, as I will start today and hope many more story tellers will follow to light their fireplaces here:
Many, many summers ago, when our land was still ours, but horses had already been part of our lifes, there was a little village in a wonderful green valley with a singing river flowing through,sparkeling with delight under blue sky, dancing with the sunrays. Among the horses was a tall,skinny mare,not even a full circle old, but already marked as different. She was a spotted pony, kind of shy, as most villagers laughed about her: "See how skinny you are and those long fragil legs, how can you possible bear a warrior or hunter?" I will not name all they told her or how some kids even threw stones at her, but all made Spotted Pony stay to her own and trust no one, grazing lonely in the valley.
One day, a young warrior paid attention to the sight of Spotted Pony and slowly approached her: "What a beautiful pony you are!!! Look at those long legs, sure you will one day be the quickest horse among all. You do not trust easily, so nobody can steal you. I can see your inteligence, so I am sure you will make the best friend for a brave warrior and hunter."
Spotted Pony did not heed him and the young warrior just smiled to himself. Next day and all the following, the young one brought apples as a gift to Spotted Pony, always a little closer to him....until Spotted Pony allowed him to touch and caress her. He always spoke softly and in good manners and with the time,both made good friends, roaming around, hunting together and winning many races among young warriors.
Due to her habbit of being alone,far from the village,Spotted Pony was able to raise alarm when warriors of an enemy tribe tried to sneak into the village. The warparty set out to pursuit those sneakers,but encountered more enemies waiting in hide. During the battle, our young warrior got injured by an arrow, but Spotted Pony brought him back to his teepee and family. Ohhh how they all now praised Spotted Pony, gave her the best apples and honored her as a heroe. From that day on,nobody in Spotted Pony´s tribe would ever critizise or talk bad about others. Great Spirit had send a huge lesson to all of them.
(the original story Spotted Pony, has copyright by my clan chief Bear Warrior and is part of his book) Mischa Yona Usdi

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