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"Ambros Yellowhair, My Continuation"
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Posted:     Post subject: "Ambros Yellowhair, My Continuation"

"Ambros Yellowhair, My Continuation"

I was severely wounded in Vietnam, August '1970
I was sent to the Naval hospital in Hawaii
After being stabilized
I was transferred to Balboa Naval Hospital for rehab
Balboa Hospital down San Diego way
After months of physical and shrink therapy
Them shrinks trying to cure the twistedness in my head
I was released April 1, 1971
Guess them shrinks thought they had healed my skull
They sent me out into the world to a happy and productive life
First thing I did was go out and buy me a bottle of MD 20/20
Dropping a hit of orange sunshine
After a drunken spree night of "mad doggin & flying"
I woke up near the railroad tracks
Dusting myself off
Trying to forget the poison that rotted my mind
I started walking along side the tracks
There I ran into Ambrose Yellowhair
He was about 55-60 yrs old
He looked at me and said, "man you look like s---"
I returned his greeting with "man, you smell like s---"
We both cracked up laughing
We sat down on the tracks and learned some stuff about each other
Knocking down some more cheap wine
Turns out he was in WW II and the Korean conflict
He was hard core "MARINE"
He did his tours and was honored with a silver star and 2 purple hearts
I was very impressed with this man
No brag, no drag, just another Jaun trying to survive
Ambrose was still trying to survive
And me, I was learning to survive
After Ambrose left the marines he didn't come back as a hero
But as just another damn Indian
Nothing changed for this mighty warrior
The signs outside the stores still said, "no dogs or Indians allowed"
Yeah, nothing changed for this mighty warrior
He was still living a lie
Just like my time in the Nam was a lie
Just like Ambrose, the lie would last
His time, my time, no change, still the same
Mighty Spirits dead
Not broken, just dead in the heart
I never saw Ambrose Yellowhair again after that day
I don't know what happen to him
But I still wonder about him
Wondering what has happen to this warrior of a man
But I still remember the things we talked about
I will always remember what he said to me
He told me to walk slow and beware of the crooked tongues
The white man will never give you a straight answer
Because they are the true snakes
When it comes to protecting this land
We will always be first to go
Because this is our home
We cannot go anywhere else
So it goes
The lies continue but I am wiser to the fact
As Ambrose Yellowhair said, walk the walk
Walk the walk in beauty and not let your mind suffer
Because that is why we are Dine' "The People"
We stand with honor
We have the real truth
With his words of wisdom
I will always hold true

March 3, 1973 - still fighting the madness

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`it's better than good to read this here

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Posted:     Post subject:

Not all crooked tongue snakes are white. Ask me anything you want and I'll give you a straight answer.
Best not to get carried away with outdated generalisations I think.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`to you hugger of trees & cello. do not take what was said to me out of context. i wrote this back in 1973 & this dates back to 1970 when Mr. Yellowhair spoke his words of wisdom to me. he was a MARINE, he served in WWII & fought the japanese & he fought the chinese in the Korean conflict. HE volunteered like all 1st Nation People. HE believed what he did was the right thing to do. but he came back home to the racism that existed & unfortunately condoned by the government. there was no civil rights for him. HIS medals of valor meant nothing to this country, just ask the code talkers. you hugger of trees exist because of men like him & i am talking of all colors. i did not call the white man snakes, it was a condition that existed in our time & it came from a source that existed during his time. so when you make a comment, think 1st & then ask. you know nothing of war & the death that follows. you do not know the effects that twist the minds of what all brothers in arms go through. don't even try to tell you do. this i know because i was there & i know what the twistedness i felt so many times over. as for you cello, you best not try to generalize what Ambros & i talked about. you know nothing of what i & Ambose went through. you read with your eyes closed. look at what your government did to the Aboriginal of your country. straight answers are never straight unless you have been & seen the pain of being Native. i am a suvivor of forced assimilation & the ugliness that came with it. when you can see & feel what i & many other 1st Nation People went through, then you can staight answer me anytime. this government of ours & yours make decisions for us everyday & not in the best interest of our people. you come to Black Mountain & you see the struggles of Dine' to keep their holy lands from being strip of all its natural resources for corporate amerika & run by the white man & the congress which is run by a majority of the white man. you read the real truth about john mccain & sarah palin, they are the real enemy of the Dine' & all 1st Nations. their tongues are as crooked as their ancestors, they have no beauty in them & this still holds true. so if you both want to wage this invisible horse you ride & debate me, you both tell me what pain is when you can kill a living human being & then try to justify it in your heart. this white government sent both Ambros & i there & we carry the death deep inside our bones for you hugger of trees & this government, something you know nothing of cello. i write what i have seen & what was said to me. i honor Ambros Yellowhair for the great man & warrior he became. instead of lambasting what was written, you should give this man all your respect because he did what many could not do. nihi ti'hooshniih honishlo (we sacrifice to exist).

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Posted:     Post subject:

I hear what you are saying nightchant, about taking things out of context, and it is in no way my intention to disrespect or dishonor your friend Mr Yellowhair, or in anyway condone racism by any nation , government or individual. I put forth a perspective that is obviously different from your own, not with closed eyes nor intending to lambast what you wrote. I am just not looking in terms of black and white, or for that matter red and white, or in another time other than what is of my own experience. My own father also volunteered like all young white Australian men of his time even putting his age up to do so, believing it was the right thing to do. He too was doing his part for your government ... as Airforce groundcrew building airstrips for American government/planes. It is true that he did not have to deal with racism when he finally got home. There is a parallel in that although his medals (which I still have) may have meant something to others in this country, but they meant absolutely nothing to my father. We have a day here called Anzac Day honoring all who served in wars. My father never once attended one of these days that to him seemed to cellebrate or at least bring back memories of the past that he would rather leave in the past, and not speak of.
As far as government goes, my government does not speak for me ... I speak for my self as an individual and will not be lumped in with any government, colour or group who has such vastly different policies, ideals and actions as myself. From the largest scale of Native Aboriginal issues to the local issues of large scale corporation destroying all the local natural bushland from all around where I live, sacred only to the animals that live there, but sacred in my eyes. I petition and give my best support along with many many other white supporters of what we consider sacred. Yes the corporations are mostly white ... but so are the many, and there are many, who give their best to preserve and honor Earth and people's natural beauty.
So as you see it is not possible for us to have identical perspectives, for both sides are white in this case. It is therefore piontless for me to blame whites, who are but a small but powerful minority.
There is only one straight answer I know of that I or can give in any moment, and that is given from where I stand NOW, from all I have gatherd up to this piont ... within NOW. All having only truly walked in their own shoes... everyones answer will only be a perspective ...right or wrong .. good or bad .. all varied.
We have now both shared different perspectives and I thank you for sharing yours, it has been interesting.

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Posted:     Post subject:

cello wrote:
It is therefore piontless for me to blame whites, who are but a small but powerful minority.


I really find it awkward how one's first response could be negatively toned. "Think and then ask", I think he wrote that because he saw exactly what I did.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`hugger of trees you "no nothing of war" because you never experienced it!!!!!all i can say is that you are a very hateful & resentful woman & you are right when you say end of discussion because i will not respond to your negativity. you are right on one thing though, we all come from the Earth Mother as Creator deemed.

cello, i thank you for your response but i must tell you, the struggle continues for all 1st Nation People. Our (Dine') struggle continues, we stand to keep our holy lands because corporate amerika & their governmental cronies want to destroy the belly of our Nahasdzaan Bima for their own greed. john mccain presidentual hopeful as a senator filed many admendments for peabody coal company to have unlimited strip mining rights to Black Mesa. he along with sarah palin & read about her record concerning the Alaskan Natives, are dangerous to all 1st Nation People & to many non-natives. it is the crooked tongues we have listen too way to long & now we take a stand to stop this of our Mother.

thank you johnmarlon. what you say is true & i only speak what i have seen & done. no one can tell me anything about the twistedness in my skull just like many of our veterans go through. it cannot be explained because in our walk, it is real. Ambros was a great man & warrior & it was him i was honoring because he showed me a good way to walk & to be careful of the crookedness in our lives. i also honor you for your heart & strength.

Most Dine' families are living in abject poverty due to 25 years of peaceful resistance. Explosions at the Peabody mines have destroyed sacred burial and prayer grounds, and collapsed Dine' homes. Most Dine' live only by virtue of charitable donations. United Nations Special Rapporteurs continue to condemn the forced relocation of the Dine' by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Bureau of Land Management and the seizure of Dine' livestock by the Bureau of Wildlife ordered by President Clinton as he signed a document based on an older forged agreement that bore no signatures or agreement from the actual Dine' people referred to in Clinton's agreement as "signers"!! The Clintons, Gore, Reno and McCain, bought, sold, signed, sealed, and delivered the crime, a new record for even an American President, his wife, an Attorney General, a Vice President and an all powerful Senator: a conspiracy of carpet bagging, corruption and human rights violations. A crime against a People that must never be repeated. Ever. taken from "Am I My Brother's Keeper"

please go to this web site to learn more of our plight, (removed) & go to ACSA Challenges Senator John McCain's Legislative Record on Dineh-Navaho, accuses him of conspiracy and public fraud in stealing lands and coal from a gentle people. The brutal, UN/EU Condemned Navaho Resettlement Act and John McCain's role behind it (more...)

also visit (removed) "Am I My Brother's Keeper" -- visit it and view a remarkable film online for free: VANISHING PRAYER, which film cinematically documents many of the tragic events that led to this ongoing Holocaust. nihi ti'hooshniih honishlo (we sacrifice to exist).

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Posted:     Post subject:

Again john another case of words being taken out of context. 'Whites being a small but powerful minority' of those who hold the power in my own country's government, large corporations and local council ... I/we were I live are in the large majority (IN COMPARISON) of white people that are NOT the holders of power or rulers of government that we partition, ralley against and vote to remove that are forcing their policies on us. This is my perspective of when and where I live. If you are not interested in hearing other perspectives of people's own experiences... I am. I think it has the potential to be healthy and helpful to try and find the things we have on common in our lives, even though the exact circumstance may be worlds apart.
Thank you

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Posted:     Post subject:

`coming from a fool you should know hugger of blindness.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`oh yeah, move on & try to be happy hugger of sadness

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Posted:     Post subject:

`I am at work and am limited in time....but I stopped in to read this and all I can say is...unbelieveable...sad...every single person on this thread are individually unbelieveably kind and and, I feel, wonderful human beings in your own right!!...this is a site devoted I believe to primarily Native American perspective..good/'s freedom of speech as well..wasn't that paid for already? Why would Native Americans be a little hostile to whites??Genocide maybe??Don't know..just a thought! And NO we cant say EVERY person fits the "white people" stereotype of either. I do try to read where the heart may be coming from in ANY writings here...words ALWAYS get twisted when we pick to death any writings by sentence or individual word. I hate to see this...hate to see this between really good people.
p/s: I know it is possible to disagree with people about some things..but still see the beauty of the human being..and I am not even that enlightened!

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