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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject: A FALL DAY!!!


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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I love ya!..but don't even get me started on cats

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`Squirrels come twice a day for happy hour, and the cats think they are invited too!
Now I like cats(if they are mine) but these cats need to find some where else to hang out.. This I repeat THIS IS NOT A CAT HOUSE!!!!

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I have found that a squirt gun works well.....

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former member default image - bird flying away


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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!.....I knew there was a reason I liked you!!!!!

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

It's night time here, and by Fall I assume you mean Autumn? ...
Over this side of the world it's spring and all the plants are shooting new green leaves and flowers like crazy. All animals are welcome at my house ... Instead of squirrels we have possums, there are kookaburras, magpies, currawongs, butcher birds (which have the sweetest song) lorrikeets, wood doves, willy wag tails, peewees, noisy minors and the odd sea eagle hovering way up high, or a flock of Cockatoos. As soon as the sun starts going down, the sky is filled with fruit bats (flying foxes) .... I love Spring and am looking forward to Summer and swinging in my hammock.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`Yes I mean Autumn.. So when it's winter here it will be summer there? Wow now I know where to go and get out of the cold.. Cello I love all animals except when the neighbors cat poops in my yard.I have humming birds and cardinals and doves in my yard. I have many friendly squirrels outside and one crazy one inside.My cats leaves the birds and the squirrels alone, but Mr poopie is always chasing them. I do not like that!!!

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Now that I am awake again..I just seen this..Cello you're the sweetest, I am 100% with Hugger on this. I love birds..since these people got here next door my birds have stopped coming around..I dont even want to put water in my bird bath for fear one of the little ones will get snagged. If people own animals (whatever they are..Rottweiler, cat, kangaroo) I could care less. But to own this many cats..have them outside ALL the time and taking no personal responsibility for them..THATS where the problem STARTS for me. ..And as thin as they are you cant tell me they're fixed either.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`...and it has not escaped my attention that they can't take care of their animals but they are NEVER in short supply of cigarrettes and beer.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`One more thing about these people next door (I will just post this instead of sending emails to Cello and Hugger as this is frustrating and I can only go into it once)..not long after these people moved in..they planted several yellow rose bushes in thier front yard (which were dead in the first month as they dont seem to understand that when you "purchase" a living thing it is not going to be self-sustaining and be healthy) Anyway, right after the town COP ends up at my door..said he was called over a complaint that my son picked one of thier flowers! I said "so"..he said it was trespassing..I said,"so what do ya want to do? Write a 5 year old a ticket for picking flowers?" he said "no"..then I went on to him about where they could go as well..he said he didn't want "problems" just was doing his job..when someone calls the cops he has to respond. Just there after they got a dog (one of several that have cycled through there over the past few months of thier tenancy) which was never on a leash, (why would they want to do that?! ya know?) and when I came home from a 48 hr shift had "dumped" several times in my yard..I powerhosed the mess back over to thier side..then SHE has the nerve to get upset saying the "boyfriend" wont "allow" her to have the dog inside when he is not home and asked me what IIII expected HER to do! I got a trolley leash from my aunt and threw it onto their porch problem..they had just got rid of the dog..somewhere and promptly replaced it with another..then another and so on since. We do not you can see why. Sure more than you wanted to know but I feel like a weight has been lifted! Thanks.....
p/s: I would like to add that while I was speaking with the cop regarding my sons "criminal behavior" in picking the flower (which I never seen evidence for as in stray petals or anything) that I had looked over at thier house several times and although it was a beautiful morning I noticed all the curtains closed with one in their living room just very slightly opened..and I knew she was in all I can say is NOT ONLY do several cats and a few dogs here and there live in that place But one CHICKEN as well!!!!

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

One Chicken that had me laughing so hard Cami..I understand your frustrations on dirt bag neighbors. I have one that lives next door to me, and hasn't mowed his grass, it's got to be up to my knees by now.I mow his front yard cause he makes the hood look bad.But I be dam if I will go and mow his back yard... He has dogs, and cats which outside. Barking all night by my bedroom window, never cleans up the poop guess he can't find it cuz the grass is so tall!!! The cat uses my flower garden for his litter box, but I remedied that. Went out and spent a small fortune purchasing lava rocks.. Lets see if he can dig in that!! Not only is he Mr. poopie he sprayed my porch door!! Now that stinks.!!!
Better watch out you son might get life for picking flowers. I would be over there in a heart beat, and most likely in jail...

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Not thinking a couple of weeks ago..the weather was so nice I left my car windows open (not unusual here at all)..went in the car early the next morning to go to work and a putrid smell--you guessed it!!! So I can totally understand the front porch situation as to this day I get in the car and still have to open windows. I have tried things to get the odor out..still can't completely!!!!

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

I understand, and as unfortunate as it is for you both to have such crappy neighbours, I do feel for these animals that have such crappy owners, that take no responsibility and just treat them like they are some thing you buy or are given to just toss away when it's lost its novelty. Then again I suppose there are parents who treat kids with the same lack of care, or respect. I'm not going to go there though. ... I really hope a peaceful outcome is just around the corner for all.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

It is sad that people don't take responsibility for their pets, they like them when they are little and cute then don't care for them when they grow up. All my pets have been rescued as homeless critters left outside to starve.I take care of four total. Two cats in the house and two outside. I have spent money getting them all fixed so they don't keep reproducing and having more unwanted kittens. There is just so much you can do I am not running a wayward shelter for all the animals others don't want. I would truly go broke. But it makes me angery to see them abused..

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