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another poem I wrote

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: another poem I wrote


The desert sky awakens
dawn brushes colors on the clouds
painting her face
preparing for the day

the vast empty canvas waits

The morning breeze rises
with the sun
the mountains glow
golden in the dawn

A sudden cry splits the silence

a single hawk soars upon the winds
the breeze lifts his powerful wings
His black eyes watch for movement
as he climbs the heights

His hunger sharp, the wind his friend

He drops swiftly on his prey
sating his hunger
the breeze ruffling feathers with a soft caress
coaxing him into flight once more

he soars through the day upon the winds

hawk and the sky play
they dance together
like playmates or lovers
weaving a tapestry of beauty

the day passes in its golden glory

slowly sunset hushes the world
painting her face the color of night
hawk settles upon a mesquite
sleeping in the darkness

evening breeze kissing him goodnight

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`Raven...this is simply wonderful and beautiful. No hate, no drama...just beauty. I really like to read words of beauty, of comfort. Thank you very much. With everything that you have been is refreshing to see that you are not filled with darkness, hate and resentment. Thanks again!!!

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

Be not the slave of your own past -
plunge into the sublime seas,
dive deep, and swim far,
so you shall come back
with self-respect,
with new power,
with an advanced experience,
that shall explain
and overlook
the old
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

I do believe you have been swimming far!
*so glad that the sun came out fom behind the clouds for you today
one day at a time . . .

your beautiful words - reflecting your beauty within

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Seems nobody has taken the time to get to know me. Just read some posts and assumed I am a storm cloud... I am a human being. I have been thru hell and back. I am typically a very happy, placid woman. I only share bits of myself that I think might interest... thank you for kind words. There is more to me than you think...

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

I give up, I'm getting drained.
This is my last post.

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former member default image - bird flying away


Posted:     Post subject:

`Ravenwoman, I am sorry for my impatience with you. My last comment was written in frustration of being misunderstood also. My intention was only to let you know how glad I was to see you were in the space to have written such an uplifting, peaceful poem, as your prior posts had seamed just the opposite.

I guess that's why the large majority of members on this site stay silent, and choose to not comment on these forums, because it's really hard to find the right words sometimes to accurately convey what you're feeling, and then hope that you're on the same wavelength as the one you are trying to communicate with.
I try to be guided by the question: are my words going to bring about joining or separation? are they helpful? Even so, being human they often miss the mark, and trying to be helpful, just isn't helpful.

Some people have the gift of finding just the right words, and in the right amount (johnmarlon is a perfect example of this I think). Whereas I, not having that gift tend to use too many, and ramble.

One of the reasons I believe it is important to leave things on a peaceful note, was instilled in me from very young. When I was four years old my father rode to work on his pushbike, and was killed on the way home.
That memory is as clear as a bell still, though I have no memory of him.
My mother always said what a good thing it was that the last time they saw each other it was on good terms.

Anyway if someone posts something on this site that I would normaly be tempted to comment on, rather than struggle to find the right words always, I may just try sending feelings of goodwill/peace, a silent prayer instead. Either way even when it doesn't seem so, I do believe we're all doing the best we can with where we're at.

Peace to you, to all . . .

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