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Joined: October 24, 2012
Posts: 4
Posted: Post subject: Just Thoughts |
I want 2 teach the Native English language of 'LOVE' & 'FREEDOM'
Read 2 the Children. Come learn how 2 FREE Your Mind
I want 2 learn how 2 weave baskets...knit a quilt...wash my soil undergarments from a nearby flowing, watering stream
Learn the ways of the sacred Native Lands
I want 2 bask in the rich earth's soil with my own two hands...crumble the dirt from where my ancestors now stand
Be still so that I can listen 2 the shrubs & trees speak (Thank you Mother/Father Gaia) for your knowledge & wisdom
I want 2 soar in the early morn's frost high up in the air with the Eagles
Let down my hair and run wild & free with the wolves so that the natural 'savage' beast within me can roam FREE
I want 2 climb the Highest mountain, meditate & chant 'the OM' - OMMMMMMMMMM
Teach me Mother/Father Gaia 2 LET GO of my FEARS!
I am a Uniquely Special Being
I am a Uniquely Special Being
I am a Uniquely Special Being. I just want to be...ME.