Joined: May 10, 2009
Posts: 66
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`Staying positive is our greatest strength. When in doubt imagine you are hungry; love is water and your existence, rolled oats. We create the consistency. Every once in a while a big pot of hot oatmeal spills over when everyone is waiting. Opinions are nutmeg and emotions, maple syrup.
I believe in preparing for sudden change and learning to read sixth sense frequency.
Grandmother gave me the acronym, F.E.A.R: False Evidence Altering Reality.
Mathematics and Magnetics; Secrets and Mars, the red star.
Change. Change, is happening everywhere; a millionth of a second or centuries slow.-R.W.E
Need more, "then what?" for the, "what if?"
What if?
I could not drive any where
would I look to share with the neighbours.
Knock on the door and read the news,
Smile at the irony and fearful reunions.
Grow Cannabis like we were meant to,
before matter got out of control.
Then, the rocks and trees can rest
while Hempen dreams manifest destiny.
Where is North from here?
The B.I.B.L.E: Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth ( I like this one),
says, "Know thy self". We generate that positive vibe; that can make anything happen!
I am the light,
Let us grow around the obstacles and the shadows.
Then we can learn about levitation like we did electricity.
A breath in when breathing out.
That's my inturp' of the future and death.
Eat seeds and grow!