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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Forgiveness

For my special friend.... If someone you trust and believe that much committed a mistake, don’t be upset. Instead forgive and understand that person. You will never know when the time comes you made the same thing; you can assure forgiveness is yours before you say a word. Never turn your back when someone breaks your trust but try to give that person another chance. You may find it hard if it hurts you a lot, still you shall not judge a person for one wrong step done. Sometimes the best way to make them realize their mistake is to repay their wrong deeds with kindness. That will show them greater chance to easily understand how goodness wins over bad things. Mistake is damaged done that needs repair to make over and not to destroy anyone forever.
I am not saying that being human is an excuse to commit mistake. No one is perfect but one can do its best to become a saint in the eyes of everyone. Being a saint doesn’t mean the person is perfect from impurities. No, even the righteous commit mistakes. No matter how small or big a mistake done, still it is considered as mistake. Therefore, to avoid feeling disappointed to anyone never put too much faith in him or her. Remember that any living saint feels hunger, thirst, tired and temptation within thy earthly soul. A person who mingles with the crowd is prone to get dirt from the path he or she walks on.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`for that we must have iighaan (courage, fortitude, & strength)

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Forgiveness is a release of the hurt, anger and bitterness that can destroy us when others have trampled upon our person. I believe that forgiveness is an act that the Creator Yahweh has put in place so that we may be set free and so that others may be set free.

Our sins/transgressions against the person of our Creator Yahweh must be forgiven or they buildup against us and when the times comes for us to stand before Him, we must be rejected. The Word of our Creator says that "without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin." Whenever I contemplate the price that had to be paid, the shedding of the blood of Yahweh's son Yeshua/Jesus so that we would have forgiveness, I tremble.

The strength to forgive comes from Him. The Word teaches us that if we do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will our Heavenly Father forgive us our trespasses. When we have trouble forgiving those who have hurt us with words and/or actions, we can call upon Yahweh who will help us.

Oh the joy there comes from releasing others from their transgressions because we then can have fellowship with the Father. Yeshua/Jesus gave us the example to follow on the cross that he allowed himself to be nailed to for our sins against the Holy Creator Yahweh. He said, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do."

The healing that comes from our act of forgiveness not only affects us but those forgive. Yeshua/Jesus says, "Bless those who curse you," I know it seems strange to do this action but if we will trust Him to take care of us and those things that pertain to us, we will know the peace, love and joy of His presence in our lives.

I pray that any who are suffering from the hurt, anger and bitterness of soul because of the transgressions of people we loved, trusted and opened our hearts to, that we might come to the Father, seek forgiveness from Him for our transgressions through His Son Yeshua and be freed.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`You are right: forgiveness releases from the bitterness and/in anger. And forgiveness creates room in the heart to find a peace. Certainly when you feel betrayed by your loved ones: sometimes a 'betrayal' has an 'other side of the coin'. And with a heart in peace you'll be able to see that other side, your share in the story (for example). You approach the other and, instead of claiming your right, you try to talk.

It's just what i've learned from forgiveness.
And ofcourse, sometimes real injustice being done is able to take that away you love or is that precious to you. Then, whatever happens to the perpetrator, it is important to not to chain yourself in/to anger. Because if you do, the yourself in you will be taken away. In that case the perpretator has won.

I believe in the strength of the human spirit. And i believe it has developed from and with mother nature: some nations/people broke the bonds and others cherished their sources.
And those that broke with nature became outlaws to the mind, the spirit if you like.
I believe this is a reason for the loss of identity of many people, in covetousness of ego that produces insecurity, hatred, dependance, and in ---- for control (power) and posession. And in this longterm struggle the need for forgiveness to find peace is something imperative.

As a conclusion i could say i do agree with you lettyb1gal. Only i believe this strength is already within us: if we'd be able to just respect our sources, our source would find it's way back into our heart/mind/spirit. And this inner strength would wipe out the things that's in the way of the truth in us.
It's just what i believe.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`death of this world is the beginning of the next when life truly begins,,,,,da Cherokee shaman micheal2bear

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Forgiveness is a nonsense.
Forgiveness is how christ-worshippers tolerate the intolerable.
They passively swallow the indignity of cruel and insulting liars,
instead of cleaning the perpetraitor with revenge.

Forgiveness is slave-think,
hoping Jesus will clean up the mess of a weakling's life.
Only requires an apology to have Jesus make Big Magic Salvation.
You hope for someone else to do the dirty job of killing the enemy in the tribe.

Weakness and cowardice is shameful.

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