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something about me

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: something about me

my identity started. what did my identity consist of? for one of being the one to take a risk, to be brave, to start, to step into get something done. this was from i first knew "something is wrong". small story short. i tried to reach for this soda can. father would hit my hand away from it. once i was close to drinking and someone hit my hand away from it again and i did cried and all i heard was yelling around me. finally, one day i saw that same soda... i took and ran into the dog house. i dranked it...dramatic story was...i was found in the dog house passed out with a empty coors beer can next to me. my second identity was to be flirtatious with excitment. like being the class clown...thee entertainer. this was my strong suit. it was a cover up from the passing of my father who died from alcoholism. this happen 1 week before my 8th grade promotion, going into high school. boy did i wanted to die. i attempted to commit to sucide so many time. i actually had a rifle in my mouth and i actually pull the trigger with it loaded. and the rifled misfired 5times. and i aimed away from to check fired.and yes i still "i didnt feel like i belong". being an entertainer was a cover up. my third identity i was unstoppable, to do whatever is necessary to get thing done right. to learn and to study to achieve my goals, my purpose. this came about when i had gone through my car accident and court cases after court cases. knowing my case was bull----..i know i was inoccent. ihad a green light and the other ran a red light....and they lied about everything and they got away from the law. yes they were white....and they were teenaagers. all this happened around 1:30am in the morning. the other party admitted they had alcohol and marijuna. and i had a alcohol level of .01. yet i was proven guilty. i eneded up in prison.i didnt trust no one after that. not even females. i been single for 8 yrs going on to 9. my business wasnt going no where. thankGod to Avery who introduced Landmark to me. --- kicker in my own life. i got it back. before i was just someone in the after landmark...i am the world to someone. i am here to make a huge difference in my and your community. now im 35. i am creating the possibility of being a fun lovin friend, who is exciting...and also being a powerful inspirational leader. there will be a day when i am a great father....and one awesome husband. living that life to my golden age. with silver long hair.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Thanks so much for sharing that. It makes me happy. Creator doesn't turn away from us if we trust and stay open in our heart. Even after years of pain there is the opportunity to heal and to live a life in harmony with people who truly care for you, love and support you. So many people are seeking for this experience by heart, it just makes me so happy to see and hear about it. Many blessings for you and may creator always protect and guide you!

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