bluesanctum66 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Enjoying The journey. |
Sometimes the journey isn't what its cut out to be and you lose your way but the one thing that we have to remember is that we must go through it.
My life has not been without it's "ups and downs", it's disappointments and it's accomplishments. I've had to put up with ignorance, stupidity, duplicity and the bittersweet reality that is life and I'm hearing something. I'm hearing words which echo throughout my consciousness, words that cannot and will not give comfort nor solace but words that instead form a phrase that's as cliche' and lamentable as ever. You know the phrase, the one that I'm referring to which says, "No one ever said that life would be easy".
This is true and it's a fair statement. However, I'd like to take it a step further by saying, "life is easy" but it's the individuals within life that give me serious pause. The idiots who are the architects of destruction and who leave in their wake a wasteland of desolation.
We are a society of killers and a generation of hypocrites who have yet to conquer our own tongues. We kill our own because we've crucified compassion and have become insidiously insentient to all.
When trust is betrayed and murdered you rarely witness a resurrection--rarely. When the heart is broken and feelings are crushed, spat upon and grounded into nothingness, can you bounce back from such a thing? You rarely witness life return or if, by some small miracle, it does, it's not the same. It's something else. Something entirely different. Something new.
A metamorphosis occurs and the journey continues. Just when you think that you can't go on the Creator gives strength to the weakest of souls. Just when you thought all had turned their backs it is at that point that you realize your purpose. You realize your journey. You realize everything that you've endured is something you needed to aid you on your journey so that when you reach the end you are who you were supposed to be.
I'm enjoying my journey. Along the way I've had to suffer some things at the hands of others but it was needful. I now know the pain of betrayal, the stings of lies, the evisceration of emotions, the defamation of character, the ubiquitous quake of a broken heart and the ugly side of love--hate.
I now understand the power of forgiveness. This journey that I'm on is a special one and only I can make it because it was designed especially for me. It is my destiny. I have a destiny and with the help of the Creator it shall be realized. I have have a destiny and only I can live it but in the meantime I'm going to enjoy the journey.