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lily4567 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
yes it's right
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chosnazzy (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`In the Lakota tradition, there is a ceremony called "Hanbleciya", which means "crying for a vision". "Hanble" means "to dream". And "ciya" comes from "ceya", which means "to cry". I will not describe what it is in this forum because it is a sacred ceremony. But I can tell you how it goes in private
But the main thing is that the man who does this ceremony has to stand on a hill for 4 days and 4 nights, to cry for a vision. He is not really "crying", but more like a spiritual cry, like a prayer. Maybe he needs an answer to a difficult question, or he needs some kind of special help with something. There are several different reasons why a man does this ceremony. And they are all special reasons.
He does this ceremony under the guidance of a Holy Man. And together they prepare for it one year in advance. And when the time comes to do the ceremony, they have to prepare the hill in a certain way. They make a square shaped area on top of the hill. And the man will stand inside this square to cry for his vision. There are things he has to make that he puts at the edges of this square, but I will tell you that in private, too.
So when he is doing this ceremony, he will be standing inside that square. And he has to be there for 4 days and 4 nights, with no food or drink. A place will be made where he can use the bathroom, but he can never leave that square until the 4 days and 4 nights are over. If he gets a vision on the 1st night, he still has to stay up there all 4 days and 4 nights. That is important to do so.
While he is standing in that square, things are going to come to him to try to make him leave that square. Sometimes it will be wild animals that will try to jump inside that square trying to scare him so he will run away down the hill. The reason is, if he leaves that square, the ceremony is destroyed. And he cannot just try again the next day. Instead, if he wants to try again, he has to prepare for a year again for a new one. When the man leaves the square before the 4 days and 4 nights are over, he automatically ends the ceremony and gets no vision.
So what he sees during that time can be incredibly scary. For example, if you remember what I wrote a few weeks ago in this forum about "mountain lion women". One may come to this man and stand outside this square. And it will appear as a very beautiful naked woman and try to seduce him to leave and go with her. And when he does nothing, it turns back into a mountain lion and tries to jump in to attack him. And this can happen all through the night. Something like that can be really scary, too.
By the way, in Lakota tradition, women do not have to do this ceremony because generally speaking, they are naturally more intuitive than men are. So its like they can do this ceremony "internally" anytime they want to. And there is always going to be exceptions in Lakota traditions because we are not a dogmatic or fatalistic people. And so sometimes there are men who are also naturally intuitive and they also do not have to do this ceremony, either. There is a really old Lakota Star Knowledge story that explains that. I can tell you that one in private, too
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loveternal (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
chosnazzy wrote: `... in Lakota tradition, women do not have to do this ceremony because generally speaking, they are naturally more intuitive than men are. So its like they can do this ceremony "internally" anytime they want to.
I like this, because I believe it is so :)
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chosnazzy (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`Not too long ago, there was this native couple from North Dakota, and they were very much in love. Everything seemed to be going good for them. The husband had a job and they lived in a nice house. And their relatives were all very happy for them, too.
Then one afternoon when the man was driving home from work, his car was hit by a drunk driver, who was driving incredibly fast. By the time the ambulance arrived on the scene, the husband died from his injuries. Upon hearing of this news, the wife went into shock. She was devastated.
She went to a medicine man for help, and she asked him to bring her husband back to life. The medicine man said that this is not a good idea, but she kept persisting. And then she began to talk of committing suicide.
Reluctantly, the medicine man decided to do what she asked so she could see for herself that this may not be what she thinks it will be. He prepared an area somewhere in the countryside to do this ceremony. And then he brought the wife and some other people to this location.
During the ceremony, the medicine man's helpers brought in a lot of dirt and placed it in the center of where they were doing this ceremony. And then the medicine man began to shape the dirt into the form of a man. Then he sang certain songs over the mound of dirt, and suddenly the dirt began to move by itself. The legs and arms began to move, and it started to transform into human skin. After a time, the dead husband's face began to form.
The wife was so happy to see her husband again and she went to hug him, but there was no response. He seemed to look right through her, as if he did not recognize her. She was calling his name but he said nothing. He was like a vegetable. He was alive but something was missing.
The medicine man explained to her that her husband's soul was on its journey, and that the only way it could enter a human body is when a baby is born. Even though it is possible to conjure back the body of someone who died, the soul is not there. As a result, all that is left is something like a human vegetable.
Finally, she accepted that her husband was gone. It was sad, but she finally came out of shock. Now she could begin to mourn so that healing will come eventually. The medicine man told her that her husband is still alive in her heart and mind, from all their experiences together. And the energy from those experiences is like medicine that can help her to heal. And because of that, she can talk to him anytime.
Mourning is a part of life, just like happiness is. But there is no death, there is only birth into other existences. In Ancient Lakota belief, the soul has a cyclical journey. It keeps coming back to the earth to be born into a new body. This is why in Lakota belief, the circle is a sacred symbol. The soul keeps returning until its development is complete. Then something else happens
I think the part of the story where the husband's body was brought back, but had no soul, is scary. And that scariness is kind of a Halloween flavor.
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lily4567 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`We say the same thing as regarding the soul
I reminds me of that story you've told me!
But I did not understand the first story it's a mountain lion that takes the appearance of a man?
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chosnazzy (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`No its a mountain lion that changes into a woman. Sometimes she will appear as a naked woman and try to get that man to leave the ceremony area to have S-- with her. When he does not do that, she gets angry and transforms back into a mountain lion and tries to scare him to leave by trying to jump in that square where he is standing. But she is not able to because the medicine man puts a power around it. And she knows she cannot go in there. This is why she tries to scare the man to leave. Because if he leaves, the ceremony is destroyed. And sometimes this can be a very scary experience. But after he receives his vision, then everything is peaceful for the rest of the time he is in that area.
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loveternal (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`Wow! That is a really interesting story about the medicine man bringing that man back from the dead like that. Its scary but also sad at the same time. Grieving is a difficult thing, but it will lead to peace. And I believe also that when someone leaves, someone else is coming, too. But for that to happen, the grieving process must be completed first. Things seem to just work out like that sometimes.
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lily4567 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
Ah Chosnazzy I understand now for story with mountain lion !
It's true loveternal that these stories that Chosnazzy recounted are scary I think that if the life has decided to do die someone it must respect that it's the decision of God it must accept it for be in peace with oneself like says Chosnazzy
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chosnazzy (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
loveternal wrote: `... Grieving is a difficult thing, but it will lead to peace. And I believe also that when someone leaves, someone else is coming, too. But for that to happen, the grieving process must be completed first. Things seem to just work out like that sometimes.
This is so true! Something happened to me last year, in which someone I trusted for many years betrayed me. It caused me a lot of pain and heartbreak.
I expressed the emotions without hurting anyone or anything, including myself. Then I started using my mind to try to learn what I could from that experience and make the best of that situation. It was difficult at first, but in time, I started to come to peace with it, while receiving knowledge and wisdom at the same time.
That experiece did not knock me off my life's path. It only made me stop for a time. But after things started to settle and I was coming to peace with it, I realized I was further along in my life path than I thought I was.
Then I met lily4567. So it is true, when you lose someone, as long as you deal with it in a healthy way similar to what I did, a new person will appear in your life, and that experience will be really NICE!
So even though I lost someone because she changed into something unhealthy, I found someone REALLY "nice" after I began to come to peace with that situation.
As long as you do your part in coming to peace with something that hurt you, you are only making a short pause in your life journey to learn something. You were not knocked off your path. And after you learn it, you will be further down your nice path than you thought. And you are even more healthy emotionally, and you will attract someone really nice for you again. As long as you live in this way, you will find someone new and really nice again.
But if you do not learn from it, and you stay in anger, fear or sadness, seeking revenge or trying to change to suit that person who hurt you so she (or he) will take you back, it is you who are knocking yourself off your life's path. And when that happens, you are stuck. And you will become a victim or an oppressor. This means, if you enter into a new relationship, it will be abusive and it will fail. And it will continue to be this way until you finally decide to come to peace with all of it. And only then will you return to your life's healthy path.
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loveternal (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
lily4567 wrote: if the life has decided to do die someone it must respect that it's the decision of God it must accept it for be in peace with oneself like says Chosnazzy
Yes, exactly. A higher power can see more than we can comprehend. Therefore, it can see when something is going to happen that will cause many people to feel sadness. But the higher power also sees something really great that could happen afterwards. So for that really great thing to happen, it has to let first incident to happen. And for that great thing to come, the people affected by the sadness from the first incident must come to peace and heal from it.
After something or someone leaves, something or someone else comes in. And to make that a beautiful thing, I believe the focus should be to try to heal from it because healing always brings peace and other good things, just like in Chosnazzys experience
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lily4567 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
There is many things that are true that you say Chosnazzy and Loveternal
Chosnazzy:you have already can stay friends with your old girlfriend? Like the last with that you were?
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chosnazzy (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
lily4567 wrote: There is many things that are true that you say Chosnazzy and Loveternal
Chosnazzy:you have already can stay friends with your old girlfriend? Like the last with that you were?
No. At this time, I cannot be friends with her because to be friends, you have to have things in common. And today, she has become someone that is very different than who she was when I knew her. There is not enough common things between her and I for a friendship to exist. So I paid attention to healing myself from that experience to come to peace with it.
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loveternal (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
I have always heard people say "change is good". But I think that is not always true. And when a "change" involves more than one person, maybe that "change" is good for one but bad for the other. For example, in a healthy relationship that breaks apart, maybe the woman changed to something different where she begins to take illegal drugs. So her change is not a good one.
And let us say that the man is remaining to be the same as before, which is that he is still a good man. But he is hurt from this change. And he is doing his best to heal from it so he can move on with his life. He knows this is the best way to find a new healthy partner. And let us say that he does find a new love in his life. And he is happy again.
So when his ex changed, it was not a good change for her because she was no longer healthy and began to use drugs.
But this change hurt the man, but he healed from it and found a new love. So after the man healed from the breakup and came to peace with it, he transformed the change to be good for him and he has a new love in his life.
And hopefully, in the future the woman will still learn from her choice. And maybe one day she will return to be a healthy woman again, then the change will be good for her, too. But as long as she still lives in her unhealthy ways, the change is not good for her.
Therefore, in a situation like this, the man is at peace with his ex, but he cannot be a friend to her because they have nothing in common anymore. When you are at peace with someone, it does not always mean you are friends. You can agree to disagree with someone and still be at peace.
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chosnazzy (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
Exactly! And when that kind of change happens, usually someone in the relationship stopped the open and nonjudgmental communication. And without that, the love slowly dies because it is not being nurtured with that kind of communication.
This is something I wrote in another Forum that I feel is worth repeating for this topic, as well:
When a difficulty arises that affects the couple, open and nonjudgmental communication is especially crucial during this time. And when you actually can do that, the result most likely will be that the love this couple has for one another will grow stronger. The emphasis on the words "will grow stronger". This shows they are "making" their relationship. It is "becoming" something greater than before. This is not fate, this is beauty. This is love.
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loveternal (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`100% agree! I think learning how to communicate openly and without judgment is a skill that should be taught at a young age, little by little, as the child learns responsibility for their actions and words. And every young person should be able to do that whether they complete their education or not, after all it is part of our life experience. When we can do that, our lives are so much more fulfilling. And the senses are more awake. Everything you intake by touch, smell, sight, sound and taste, helps to open up the sixth sense. I believe we all have that capability because that is how we are designed.
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