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 harmony68 (deleted)
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kaskiyeh wrote: `Once you become single or your single friends get married you become a threat to them. Like you would want their man!!Some my long time friends(from school) are in a relationship with complete jerks and they don't want their women around me cuz I be to out spoken.. I just don't know how to obey..
i agree with you completely. i am more outspoken now cause i am not under someones thumb anylonger
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 trubblemaka (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
that'll be $5 for using one of my quotes...lmao!
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 rblyl (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`about the women friendships and men thang..i live in a small mid west town as a single mom and i am who i am so I deal with this katty woman thing in the world and on line too on a fairly regular basis as well. If a woman is secure with who she is as a WOMAN and still isnt adolecing emotionally she wont play into those petty games.
And if one is truly a friend she will know you better than that.
a man you feel you have to 'fight' for is one you dont want..cause if he really wants you he will be fighting for YOUR attention. Not the other way around.
Men may come and go...but it is your friends (male and FEMALE) who will be the ones who keep by you and dry your tears and remind you to laugh. so those people shouldnt be tossed aside cause its hard to just slide right back into a friendship with someone and pick up where you left off once its let go.
Now I am going to take care of myself..I am sick and no patience right now.
take care all.
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 harmony68 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
trubblemaka wrote: that'll be $5 for using one of my quotes...lmao!
i paraphrased, so payment will be at a discounted rate. how should we go about arranging for that transaction
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 harmony68 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
stupid double postings!
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 meskwakiguy (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`i lost another one of my "best friends" today. i didn't know his name and i always thought he was more of a nuisance when he came around,even if he was just crossing thru my yard minding his own bizness not bothering nor interfering in my life. it's funny how much he allowed me to feel today as he left, whereas before he just "seemed" to get under my skin. actually he lived no more than 50 yards from me and i saw him often but never "spoke" to him. as i let "my boyz" out for a bit today i saw him "walking" on the road that runs in front of my house. he must have run into some misfortune just prior as he seemed to be having quite a bit of difficulty in getting to where he was going or on his way to. i watched out my window as he "struggled" to make it to his "home" which was 50 yards or so from mine as i said...i saw he tried very hard in thought to want to make it off the road for some reason,but he was unable to even tho the freshly plowed snow along the road was maybe 3 feet high at most. he didn't even have it in him to lift himself over that drift as much as i "felt" he wanted and perhaps NEEDED to. i continued to watch from the window and this 50 yard "journey' took him about half an hour or so...god only knows how long his 'journey" had begun before i saw him today in this condition. it must have been the slight incline in the road that pushed him to what i thought were his limits as hard as he tried in an effort that was breaking my heart to witness as he stopped to rest at the driveway only 5-10 yards from what i know now to be his "home"..he actually layed there for another 10 minutes or so. after gathering whatever will,strength and determination he had left he made it to his feet and turned into "his driveway" to "his home". god only knows what his thoughts were but his desire to make it to his "home" was remarkable and unlike any i had seen from any person in quite along time if ever before. physically i knew i could not help him and that hurt. i seriously doubt he would have accepted any help anyways as HIS motive(s) were his and his alone and i KNEW this...he walked the final 5-10 yards with what im guessing was at the least a broken leg but in my heart i knew his back was broken. his spirit, his appreciation for the LOVE he must have become accustomed to ,carried him "home" for the last time today. i see my friends like these all over where i live and some are in a better way then some. never asking for anything but contuiniually giving and "waving' to strangers and 'friends" alike. even in not knowing my friend in name he humbled me today, he allowed me to feel. he showed me so much today of those "things" we take for granted and fail to acknowledge and at times realize too late. i tried to help "him" although in realiity i knew it was too late for "him",god rest his soul. "he" is in a better place i know and his pain and needless suffering here with US is done. "his" gifts, his teachings and all else this friend of mine gave me today i pray in my own way i carry in a better way tomorrow and from this point i said don't even know this friends may have been "fido", i really don't know..but "he" was and is a beautiful creature from whom we should all continue to learn from in our own pitiful wayz as humans. in the end my "friend" i will just call 'that dog". god rest his soul.
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 honeynishkwe (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`I am sooo sorry U had to witness what U saw.It hurts to see someone go in that way.But,There is a reason U were there to witness that.One spirit showing the empathy for another.He needed that,like you were his best friend watching over him.I am sure he knew he wasnt alone.I am sure he felt the presence of care and brotherly love around him and he allowed it.That is why he took his time on that journey,Almost like he was being helped on that last leg,U are the Best friend a person could ever,ever wish or hope for.I am grateful for the message I recieved from this today I am humbled by the true beauty of your spirit, and the fullness of your heart.I pray blessings wherever you go and wherever you rest.Tonite in our lodge we will pray as always for the hurting,the desperate hearts of our people,I know our ancestors walk with us,I know we have the choice to live..he was just tired.His time came to go home.
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 meskwakiguy (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`aho my sister n thank you and as alwayz god bless ya :)
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