Joined: August 20, 2008
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Heres an update Update on my less than warm and fuzzy Hermit crabs, after adding 2 more to the group, the "molting" started. That is when the Crab sheds it's outer exoskeleton so it may grow larger. Arthropods (insects, spiders, crabs, lobsters, etc) have their skeleton on the outside where as us mammals have them on the inside.
This process takes about 10 days to complete and is very stressful on these little guys, at first the new skeleton is very soft and almost jelly like. During this process they can regenerate lost limbs over several molts. when molting they are very delicate and can fall easy prey to the more aggressive crabs who want to eat their fellow cage mates, so I put them in a Quarantine cage for safety along with the old shell they cast off because they will later eat it for the calcium to make their new shell stronger, they will start this process as soon as the new shell is strong enough to support the muscles pulling against the new soft shell. One little guy lost 2 limbs during his molt, he is so perky and is adapting to his disability, lucky he lost the larger claw and not the smaller one they eat with,the claws are called (chelepeds), and one walking leg so he is a little lopsided when getting around.
Sadly one died during the molt because this event is very hard on the crab and another died of a shell fungus around 2 months after it's molt, both were boys.
Sorry to bore all of you ,but It was interesting/exciting to experience something I had only read about in books.
P.S. my other "normal" pets the cat and dog are getting along in their old age!
blackfoootedgirl |