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June 15, 2005
Posts: 6

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Express kindness when dealing with a rude person. Often times people express feelings of anger or unhappiness toward others due to prior conflicts they have encountered. Offering kind words and a smile may reverse the person's frame of mind, and allow them to take note of the negative response they are conveying to others.

Remain calm when coming in contact with a disrespectful person online. Keeping composure while dealing with an agitated person allows you to think clearly and select the right words when speaking. Remaining calm also helps to keep the situation from getting out of hand, while showing the person that you are not willing to give them the negative attention they seek.

Show confidence when you are speaking to a rude person. Stand up for yourself and remain relaxed, and write in a clear way when conveying information to the person who is acting negatively. Correcting your speaking clearly shows the person that you are not shying away from their response.

Speak to the person who is being rude and disrespectful in a polite way and if the person continues to remain agitated. Express to him or her that you would like to listen to their concerns but will not be treated in the manner in which they are speaking to you. That what is needed is clear communication with both sides feelings being taken into consideration in a mature manner and focus on the situation at hand. And to agree to disagree but not let it interfer with a possible friendship online.

Step away from the person and stop emailing them to calm down and regain composure, if the situation has elevated. Allow angry emotions to subside, and think of the response that will be given to the person who is being dealt with. Stepping away from a rude and disrespectful person prevents unnecessary words from being said, and gives the person a chance to cool of as well.

If they continue to be be rude and disrespectful, report them for it. They should be be conducting themselves in this manner online.

Piaowaka C. Windwolf
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`Here is a vid on Gaslighting. I have endured it for decades ,now I am old and can finally describe what happened. Why people manipulate.Check it out.


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