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 walkingbadger (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
listen ms. guru you got the light, know everything. i don't play games with who i am. you know nothing of me or my nation. 1st of all we aren't a tribe we are a nations & with full sovereignty. you think cuz you can speak a tongue & know a little history that makes you a heaven sent ndn thumper. get real cuz I don’t answer to you or anyone. play your pocahontas BS someplace else. this site is open to anyone that feels that they want get in touch with their spiritual relations. there maybe a few bad eggs in this place but your hard boiled & cracked. you’re a damn hater & it’s all on you. when you can catch up to me then it will be my privilege to lowdown on you. you want some come get some.
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 usditsiyvwiya (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`Oh whhhat? Mr "Spread the knowledge to everyone" doesn't want to share his beliefs? You're a hypocrite. How about this, I'll play Ms Indian, and you play the moron hypocrite...Oh wait, we already ARE. You're faker than my acrylic nails.
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 walkingbadger (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
hell you're acrylic... at least i got morals you dumb hump...
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Joined: January 5, 2005
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Ok people...enough!
It is against the TOS (Terms of Service) to post personal attacks within the forum area.
You are welcome to have 'spirited' discussions within the forum area, but focus any comments on the topic itself...and not on the poster.
If we continue to see personal attacks, the posts will be deleted (and the poster is HIGHLY likely to find their account deleted as well).
Big Brother
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 shewolfe (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`But yea back on spirtuality this is off topic but i beilive in a little bit of everything
God/Creater of all things
The Yin and Yang what is represents
Possbily Reincarnation?
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 grneydhalfbreed (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`I know the name of our great spirit. Learned it a few years ago when I was learning our language. And no, I did not have to google it.
So hostile. There's no need for it.
The internet is a great way to learn about stuff although I don't recommend that you try to learn about a culture solely on the internet because it's so open to interpretation and misleadings, I suggest you seek out community members who have grown up around traditions and the way of life of their tribe. Get interactive with your elders and listen carefully if they are willing to teach you. They'd be glad to talk to young people who want to learn about their culture, believe me. If you are invited and trusted enough to go to ceremonies, go. You'll learn a great deal if you get involved. I learned about our great spirit through ceremony. I learned how to pray, how to give thanks to our creator.
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 pram73 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
walkingbadger wrote: `ya'at'eeh Usditsiyvwiya,
are you the guru teacher of intellectual guide in the matters of fundamental cultures or one who is an acknowledged leader or chief proponent & a person with knowledge or expertise. are you the self-proclaimed guru of the traditions. me thinks not. you need to sit back & enjoy what is happing here. sure there are some that want what we got but hey consider it a gift. if they learn the ways of Dine' (The People) & i use that in context with all nations, then maybe the wars & genocide will stop. everyone on this site has a lot of respect for the traditional ways of all our nations or why would they be here. be proud of this & teach them your knowledge & how to live with all our relations. bikaa’gi lina’naanasdlaadoo ha’nilgo biniiye’ da’jitl’o (on its life there will be life again, this is what they say for this reason they are weaving).
Thank you for that post Walkingbadger. I've heard all people's once used sweat lodge as a way to pray. Most don't seem to know this.
We all make up the 4 colors. Its just up to each spirit to open up so we can work together. |
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 pasanequenape (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
I'd have to agree with you, I hate plastic Indians.
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Joined: August 19, 2012
Posts: 27
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`well the difference between the great mystery, god and Buddha, is this
the great mystery is life itself, the spirit that is in everything, that makes all life possible, that makes us all kin...
god, is a generic name, an attempt to put every story that was borrowed in that religion into one heading...but there is so much confusion as to what really is god, and there is also confusion about the attributes of god, that it cannot mean the spiritual force that connects all, since there is too much that points to this god's mortality, jealousy, and other not so divine attributes...the ideology and doctrines are totalitarian, and lend themselves to tyranny/abuse/bad behavior very matter how friendly they try to be...if it is really examined and stripped of its flowery dialogue, it is simply dictator worship...sorry but that doesn't really set well with me...
Buddha was a man, who had a lot of insight, and was elevated to the position of a god by those that came after him...he never claimed to be a god, but his views became a religion after the same fashion as most religions, which is the few exploiting the many...something im sure he would have frowned upon, no matter how close the religion tries to emulate his lifestyle...
the beauty of the great mystery is it does not centralize, or point to a single hero, but recognizes the connections to all completely, each being is sacred in their own doesn't necessarily have to be explained or completely understood, just a conscious lifestyle, and a willingness to respect all life is the theme...
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 recalibratedndn (deleted)
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Joined: November 12, 2012
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New Ageism. It seems like there is a lot of it on this site, boo.
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Joined: August 19, 2012
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`new ageism to me does not really embody getting back to nature, or living with the land, its more to me like a fad, that attempts to bottle up all these spiritual ideas and sell them, then you go back to the way you live most of the time, and just visit these ideas...
it seems kinda plastic...
but what is the best way to live? what is really spiritual?
i guess each person has to search their souls and find out for themselves what connects them to the universe...for me it is being out in the air, breathing, living, walking, treating others how i want to be treated, feeling the ground beneath me, looking a deer in the eye and recognizing the wild part of me, being free to go where i want, do what i want, but having self restraint so i do not destroy things around me...carrying my life memories with me always, and sharing them with others...
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