Joined: March 28, 2012
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First and foremost he's a jerk for not treating you like a princess. A man whom can respect and care for his woman was raised by a Queen, a good mother that showed him how to treat a lady properly. Secondly, it should never be about the money. Money does not equate to happiness, I could live in a cardboard box but as long as I had that special someone I would be happy for that blessing alone. Now, when you think back on the relationship you must realize that if he was not willing to care for you as you did him, then it was never meant to be. It hurts, yes I know, I've been in love with someone who absolutely had no respect for me or himself. Its suffocatingly painful and always made me cry, but am I with him now? No, why? Because I wanted the best for ME.
The most important thing to remember is that no matter how many people come and go through your life each person is a lesson. Someone like that will teach you exactly how to deal with those people and understand them better. Don't be angry with him even though its hard, instead, feel sorry. Sorry that he's not willing to put forth the effort, and sorry that the next woman that comes around may face the same thing. YOU are beautiful, smart, and worth the time. Just keep that in mind. Never let another bring you down, because only YOU can live for you. So chin up, keep that face proud and your mind set. What you will, will be.
Joined: June 23, 2012
Posts: 5
Posted: Post subject: How to heal my Broken Hearts |
My sisters,
When you share your mind, body and time with a man you become soul tied with this man. It is a gift that is given to a man and his wife / woman from our Father the Creator; this gift is to be a blessing not a cruse. When the one that is a perfect fit for you apears in your lives it then will be that blessing.
This gift was given to bond the man and his wife together for life. Basically what I'm saying is that when he left he took part of you with him and left part of him behind within you (a peice of the soul). Althoug there are some men / women; that have no intentions of truly Bonding with anyone they are just in it for the moment and for what they can get out of the person they are with. When things start getting too deep the flee like the theives they are, leaving a trail of broken hearts and soul ties all over the spirit realm..."sigh"
You have pray an ask for the soul tie to be severed... or you will continue to feel the anguish, pain and loss of the love you shared for years to come every time you think of him. I learned this lesson the hard way pinning after my Ex for 5 long years as he laid beside the woman that he hooked up with not even a month after out brake up.
I know the pains that you feel my sisters, an I would not wish this on my wost enemy.
" May the Father bless you with the release that you need; that you may one day love again"!!!