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Joined: February 19, 2012
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Posted: Post subject: shocking story |
This is totally shocking.I am german and live in germany.I have been a few times over in the states and have seen some of the drama.I also loved the states and back then wanted to make a life over there.I ahve some relatives who had moved to america right after ww2.I was always so amazed by "the american way of life".BUT then i have seen some bad drama,ecspecially how natives are treated.Sorry,afro americans always complaine,but it is the native american who raelly has reasons.This story makes me sick.Belive me,for who i am,a german woman,i can truely tell you that SKINHEADS are hated over in my country as well.Yes,we have the Nazi History,but that's all it is:HISTORY!!!!I can't belive that you people can't even walk along a street without running the risc of getting killed.There are many psychos out there.And the bad part about being a skinhead is that they don't even know anything aboutnHitler.I remember that one i met in the states even thought he was still alive.WOW!!!!! :idea:
Silke Blietschau |
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Joined: July 23, 2010
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Well that just your opinion. Allow me to explain my self I am of mix Race African American and other now I say other because I have no need to explain just what the other is. For reason most brag about I on the other hand keep silent, just me. I have a huge problem with what you are saying first your input is off you have not been here in this Country longer enough to say such. You don’t know what going on with how any one group of people is treated. How can you say Natives are treated badly when you never walk a mile in their moccasins? What Time have you put in to see all in which they go thought and been thought for these past hundreds of years huh? Now on the other hand how can you say that African American always complain about whatever when you know not what shoes they have travel in. What frame of mind that the people here has endure the pain the lost the disrespect. The lies, the killing and need not to say the list can go on and on for all races. How can you say being from another country who has reason and who don't. Now I am not saying mind your own business but when you speak on thing you know not then it should be to yourself only. Yes I understand that every one is entitled to their own opinion yet when I see such ignorance on this simply level it make me very irate. To used pity and slander to gain recognition is to me is to be simply insolent.
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Joined: February 19, 2012
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`How can i say this?Well,for one good reason:because i have spendet enough time and have met enough people to have this oppinion.Plus i work with americans,well i spend 90 percent of my time around americans more than with my own people.And i am almost positive that they are not any different than they are over there.It would be the same with my people.I am really sorry that you felt offended.And YES i have seen the HUGH drama around the native americans in the states,i have seen how they were treated.I don't think that this problem just dissapeared after 3 months.So,after i was leaving it probably did not stop them being treated the way they were.I am sorry for being sarcastic.You even said it up there:the pain,the lost,the disrespect.So,what was i talking about????Why would you even care about what i wrote?And yes,it is my opinion,but for real,i was not hurting anyone...So,it's all cool,you can calm down and think about that maybe a little bit.I do like most parts of the states and i always like to come visit the states.Ok now???
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 japinky1 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: comment retracted |
!comment retracted
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Joined: July 23, 2010
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Lol Lol I must say that I been here at this site for a while and I not into Childish Banter. However I live out side the box and I am a Thinking Lady older, but all of the grey matter still functions. Now I said what I said and meant what I said. However feeling offended or being upset is not my style. I been here on earth long enough to know. Everyone has an opinion. Some would agree and other will disagrees. Its their prerogative Now I learned something of value: When somebody disagrees with your opinion, all one should do is put on their big girl panties and suck it up seeing how we all are not on the same wave length Enjoy your day,
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Joined: February 19, 2012
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`I really don't know how to respond to that,because i belive this is not,or should not be about "getting on eachother".But all you do is contradict yourself.You were the one who didn't agree with my opinion and also acting slightly aggressive.So,what's your deal?What is this all about?Why can't you discuss sertain topics like anyone else would?What's so wrong with how i see things?People discuss issues or other to learn(from the experienced.I know that i might not be right about all my opinion,that's just normal.Of course i can't reduce the experienced down to the all equivalence,no one can,we all have good and bad inside.So there are the healthy people ,the ones with common sence,and the total oposite norm.Is this about races,'cause if so i got to take those thornes out of your system.It's the experienced on my own.Did i behave somehow strange?Ok,that's right,I DID NOT!!!So,what was the story about this sertain topic on here?What happened to sertain native americans And what was i saying about it???Is it now good?Can you tell your real opinion now and leave it to that??Is that possible?
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Joined: February 19, 2012
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`@sOFTROSE:I am sorry,i read thru what i wrote the very first time to understande why you got so offended.I made myself misunderstood.Look,i ment:in nowadays,from what i have seen,natives are still traeted as scum while you guys have a afro american president.I know that afro american still get traeted horribly as well(especially by patriots),BUT there will always be a "ghost of the past" around the native people.that's how i seen it.I mat be wrong,that's why i am in here to find out.But i have met lots of afro american or africans who have very bad additude against white people.I AM NOT RACIST MY DAUGHTER HAS AFRICAN BLOOD AS WELL!!!I was trying to understande why so many afro american still complaine while they are treated with so much more respect.Well,there can not be enough respect,WITH ALL THE RESPECT SOMEONE DESERVES.see,even in my job i have custumers avoid me because u am a "milkface"(yes i have been called that a lot)Do i freak out now and compaire myself with the past?No,of course not.Others dob't give me credit for how i cut their hair,it could be the nicest style on earth but me as being a "white person"still don't have it in me.I DO NOT COMPLAINE!!!All i complaine about is the attention some of'em get/want if there is no need for.A while ago i went out with my african ex-boss.All his customers came to join.I was the only white person.All evenings conversation was about how afro american live in the staes,how they have no live,how the"white trash"(YES!!)traets them..quess what,IT HURT ME BAD BECAUSE I WAS SITTING INBETWEEN THIS SENCELESS CONVERSATION FEELING LIKE SHI..!!I still showed up for work the day after,"fighting for respect",and won!!I have confronted a few and made them understande how wrong it is to treat people like that.This was racism.How can i not now complaine.I still get traeted like scum,but i am not the only one.AND THAT HAPPENS AT WORK!!!!Do you understande me now a little better?I am as honest as i can be,but i have not tried to put you down.I am sorry for that.
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 carolineishot (deleted)
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`@inherownway I understand how you feel. Unfortunately, in many parts of the U.S., racism is still ramped here. Ironically, after how far we have come since the Civil Rights movement, many (NOT ALL) Afro. Americans act like the "struggle" is still in effect. No matter what color you are, in America, you have the same basic rights rights as everyone else (minus gay-marriage. We need to fix that). I know SEVERAL black people who treat me like s**t because I'm a "cracker" or a "honkey". Sometimes they cannot tell if I'm white or not, but still treat me badly because I have light skin. I don't act cruelly towards them! Why the hell do they treat me and other "Honkeys" like that? Why does it even matter? I thought we got past this...
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Joined: July 23, 2010
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`Ladies, Ladies, Ladies! I am not here to cat fight with anyone I don’t give a damn what color you are or who treat who like shyt. We all are treated badly by some one or another at one point in all of our lives ok. Who in the hell is talking racism????. Damn I am very mix lol. I pointed out the fact that unless you aren't apart of a culture then how can one feel what they feel or go through what they go through. That is really simple. We here in American have this old saying: "Believe in half of what you see and none of what you hear." Now, this other silly shyt I am not into. Just gave my opinion and now I am finding myself into a bunch of jeering. Not cool. Too damn old for games so Ladies do enjoy your selves and have at it.
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Joined: February 24, 2012
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Posted: Post subject: àhhh..hmmmm |
Im not really sure what to think here. Ive thought oh the trail of tears sometimes due to things Ive seen in the news and just thuoght "our society always forgets".
Ive had a british person yell at me and say i knew nothing of what was troubling britain during their riots because I didnt live there. Then two others stepped up and agreed with me.
Ive interrupted a black man yelling at me by telling him "your creamy brown --- better back up wnd stop assuming things about people you dont know, hell, my daddy was darker than you". He lookef stunned and asked if i was mixed. I told him yes i was, my father was cherokee, and seemed to have a thing for white girls so pow, here I am. And for you to be that skin tone someone in your family must have liked whites too. I dont forget my ancestory, i suggest you dont either"
I read a horrible editors article, complaining that indians were stupid because they chose to be, and they should have all government assistance, seize land etc and guess who wrote it? A racist little half white half korean girl. Just trying to 'act white to please theold money and the big boys' I guess. Make a name. But she was stupid, people think money can buy you acceptance. It doesnt, it justnbuys you a little tolerance. But at least in this case it might not have been as much pure racism as just trying to start drama and get recognized.
Im afraid racism and hipocracy are a permanent part of humanity. After all, look at what hitler did to the jews, and he WAS a jew!
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Joined: February 19, 2012
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`@Softrose:it's good now,really!! back to you Caroline:i am sure that all over the world we got those issues going on,especially when you are different than the other.If you're big,small,too dark,too light,into Metal or just Classic,other nation,religion...BUT the biggest problem after all still seems to be the race.See,even over here in my country we have some of these issues.First of all we have the skins,of course those dumb-nuts think they lived in ww2.The thing is though that my country is so liberal that even those skinheads have sertain rights.I think that is way out of hand and sometimes out of control whenever they have their protest walks done.We even have one big political issue because of our "NPD".Yes,it truely is a "National Democratic Party of Germany".It was founded in 1964 ,it's a patriotic force who,to me it is simply a neo-nazi nation.This party is criticized by our "German Federal Agency for Civic Education",but still fights its ways up in the politics.Well,in one hand we fight towards the nazi regime,go against them,on the other side we give them rights to spread their poison around.Thta is because we are a liberal state of europe.It is a big problem because of all our imigrants.Even i get "attacked" by these people because i work on a us military post.On the other side i get traeted like scum by dark people because they confront me with ww2.Here's one story:i pretty much grew up around americans,because of all the military we have over here in my country.So,about 90 percent of my "homies" were americans.The other were gypsy.I am german,gypsy and slovene.I was fazinated by the gypsys not only because of my heritage/origin.BUT my hometown was a real small one with only 160 people back then.You can only imagine what i went thru back then.Also i am totally into metal(deathmetal..)so,here is this teeager hanging out with americans and gypsys,not all german herself.later on i got fazinated by dark people.It was their storys from their countries.I was always a north person,loved the cold,the dark,the winters,but these dark peole were so different than me:warm,cheerful,great cooks(lol),spirited...just different.So,i started to hang out with africans,indians,caribians,asian...I listened to their stories,some real nice ones but also many bad,shocking ones.I could not belive how bad their lives were in their countries.So,we all kept in touch for a while.I grew up,met more africans,also afro here it starts:These people are not into my kind of music so i was kind of odd for them(how can you listen to the devils music),problems started because they started to question me.I was acting normal,i didn't care too much for the music but i showed respect.Since i am into this kind of music they started to look for more that would make me even more starnge:MY SKINCOLOUR,YES MY SKIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!Can you belive it,i got told in w=very aggressive ways that i can not be normal because i belive in vampires.Hahah,yes,because of my skincolour they thought i even sleep in cemetaries.They used to be friends of mine,now totally freaking out.Did time change that much???Well,at work i have only a few black cutomers and with those i really get,i am taliking about 20% from 100%.They others ignore me,and some of the other stylists.I mean IGNORE:we say hi,they look away.We call the next number and they ignore it.We ask them if they need a haircut or if they wait for someone,they don't answer!!I have problems describing someone:you are not alowed to say the word"black,afro hair..."The complaining about how bad white people treat them,IN THE SAME TIME THEY IGNORE US!!!WHY???I have no clue!!So,SOFTROSE:i belive you have this issue because of the way you wrote.Even before when i apologized to you,you showed yourself as very relentless and get a little arrogant.Now you see that even US WHITE ONES WALKED IN SUCH "moccasins".CAN YOU NOW WALK IN OUR SHOES??We feel dumb because we try to make you comfortable,to welcome you.We apologize for the past horribly embarrassing.If you don't belong to a certain group of nation/people,you can get totally humiliated.YOU DID GET OFFENDET BY WHAT I WROTE FIRST.You could have asked me instead how i ment this.I don't want to reduce people down on some specific,but others feel reduced down to that.I could have said this instead:German people,ONLY the white ones though,are so sulky.They take everything so serious that it gets annoying.All they ever do is complain on how they get treated by us african people,instead of trying to get to know us first.They really think we hate them,that we think that we feel undervalued by them.But instead of that they could start getting over their guild-trip!!"...GET THAT NOW????@Caroline:i am sorry that you get traeted like that,but now you see that:"black" people,"yellow" people,"red" people,yes even us "white" people(me the ZOMBIE in that matter)get treated bad by the opposite.It is ignorance,dumbness,just fools!!You ahve to be strong and belive in yourself,yes see otehers on the same lvel as you are too,in order to take taht bullsh..!I know it is hard,bcause it is mobbing.I go thru this almost everyday,but i am a pretty tough person,cheerful and very quick-witted,very convinced into myself and my actions(without no daubt also quiltily/reasonable if i have done wrong)....i hope this helps you a little bit.
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Joined: February 19, 2012
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`Racism will always be a problem all over the world.You just need to make sure that you won't get poisoned by it.I may even acted racist myself,and if i have i deeply appologize for that,it happened uninteded.What i stated in my first missive was only an experience i made the times i have been in the states.After the "very few" native americans i met i have ahrdly ever heard someone complaine.It was if they had to get used to their situation,as if they had to bow down while others treated them totally condescending.Was it beig racist to claim that i have seen lots of afro amreicans complain about the civil war and the time after that??It's a experience i made and i wanted to find answers for that,because it happenes over here as well.I wanted to know why some complaine about stuff that lies in the very past,while others still have to suffer under the past.AND I MEAN REALLY SUFFER!!!It seemed pretty much to me like that they didn't have much of a choise,never a chance to leave their so called homes.At least not a good solution.So,if anyone that origin is from africa raeds this,i would love to hear their opinion to that.And if they have noticed that too??AGAIN |
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Joined: February 19, 2012
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`..i meant saying"as if they civil war was still active and people still getb treated like that"!!!!GOSH,could have been one big misunderstanding again,lol!!!
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Joined: March 12, 2012
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`Mmmm....intresting topic, i am new to this site so i had to and still am researching views. i am full blooded on both sides of my family and have and still do recognize who i am and why i am shoned. first of all to his story or as most know as history. the america's are not what has been written that much i do know...1832 warchestor -v - Gorgia .....indian lands are indian lands and have never been seeded or overtook therefore native's are true heirs and successors of the land and thier culture supersedes anything usa canada or any commonwealth decides. 1811 west of the rockies was never seded and king george VII stated as long as the sun shines and the rivers flow and the grass grows green the natives and europeans can live together with the indians to go uned...well that didnt happen....1965 mt law still stated 7 or more indians in a group people had the right to shot cuz got killed by a white person 1963 and the case was thrown out of court because of the law.....there was even a flag that stated indian country and that was what is now what is called the bc canada flag cause while sending the indians of to residentual schools the rest of states was being astablished and the indian did not take part in such act's and stutues that was taking place creating the seperations of north america.....1871 bc became apart of kkkanada washington and org territories were now states and ca was stated it was not the indians the land was taken over from but from mexico.july 17 1971 the western union flag that the agrements with the indians was overturned and the sun and rivers were put below the union jack to officialy become the bc flag. as far as treates that was so callled made with the indians. in law under duress is a legit arguement therefore how could treates be made legit when natives did not know the term ownership, but all commonwealth countries keep stating treaties were made. 1934 after the war messures act took place and the banking act of 1931 . it became unlawfull for natives to use thier native names in thier own tongues....language culture landbase makes a soveriegn people so without allowing the natives to use such and be forced into english language they totally lost thier here we are today where all of north america was built under fause pretence.....dont quote me on the true names and dates because it has been a while since i have researched... alot of my research was done by elders of yesterday , old maps , autobio's, old newspapers and church baptisms.....we will once again bring spirituality to the foreront. and put the race (rasismbelongs back on the track.ya my spelling needs work but oh well lol....
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Joined: February 19, 2012
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`Wow,i like getting more of that.It is so informative and i can not hear enough of them.Also what i did not know was that there was no border between the united states and canada.How different are the natives in cananda,and how many tripes are know of?Do you "all"9alal would be impossible,i know) get along and meet eachother sometimes?It is awesome though how much interest you put into this.It seems like that a lot of natives are interested into their roots and a shame that only a few seem to be able to live them.How so?Why are so many white people against you guys???Well,i don't want to say anything wrong,knowless i could be.But this was an issue i have experienced in the united states and it made me freak out as much as sad.I was truely frustrated...
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