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If You Feel The Need To Have To Lie...Don't.

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Posted:     Post subject: If You Feel The Need To Have To Lie...Don't.

First, let me say that what you're about to read isn't--I repeat--isn't directed towards anyone or anything in particular nor would I stoop so low as to do anything of the kind.

Secondly, pay very close attention. Arguably, this--declaration of thought--will undoubtedly upset some while others may respect what I have written here. To those who are offended or become upset all I can say is when reading it if you should happen to find yourself then it’s not too late for correction. It’s not too late to clear your conscience.

Thirdly, and lastly, it should be noted that I'm old-fashioned and I love being this way. It takes nothing away from me and I still believe that it is the right way to be even with the onslaught of a new year. I'm not perfect. Let me repeat myself by saying it again--I'm not perfect. Knowing this fact humbles me beyond belief because it lets me know that I'm yet still human and that I have a pulse.

What is a friend? A friend by definition is, "someone attached to another by respect or affection".

Sums it up, right?

That's pretty cut and dry, huh?

What is friendship? Friendship by definition is, "the state of being friends".

How many of us understand the depth of true friendship, I wonder? I'm not talking about something that we've all seen in a movie or read in some cheesy novel. I'm talking about real life. I’m talking about real, true friendship. And what about the aspect of character which, to me, is very paramount. Character…do we even understand the concept thereof?

Honesty, integrity, loyalty, and sincerity are traits that I fiercely admire and are foundational in the development of any kind of union. Without it you have nothing and if you think for one moment that you do then you have deceived yourself.

I'm reminded of Jeremiah 17:9 which says, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?"

Let me be raw, bold, and unflinchingly honest by saying this one thing: if you feel the need to have to lie to me in any way, shape or form--or deceive me--then you don't deserve to be in my life or have my friendship.

I don't play well with liars or cheaters--period!

I don't want to be associated and or be a partaker with those who feel that's it’s okay to tell a small, harmless white lie and who distort the truth by manipulating the facts. As I stated earlier, I'm not perfect and I sometimes don't always give a shiny bright example of what a believer ought to be, but in regards to matters of the truth--I've had to stand my ground. Even if it meant to my own hurt.

For years it’s been rumored that I didn't have a brain, couldn't think for myself or was just plain stupid. In reality, though, these are nothing more than assumptions that are unsubstantiated having no basis in fact or truth. These are the assumptions made by finite minds who can't comprehensively perceive what it takes to develop and maintain a true friendship.

Again, let me reiterate. If you feel the need to have to lie to or deceive me then you don't deserve me or my friendship. Trust and know that as the sun rises and sets, that I sure as heck won't need, want or desire yours.

Over the years, I've seen my fair share of hypocrites who like to wallow--like pigs in squalor--in duplicitous activity thinking all the while that they're hid from sight, while feasting on what they've been shoveling into their mouths for years--their own regurgitation and defecation. And, apparently, they like the taste! I guess that's what happens when you have a pile of dung where the brain should be.

The ability to tell a lie and or deceive is as easy to some as it is for a whore to fornicate because it gratifies and satisfies her and she needs to pleasure herself with anyone who would be foolish enough to lie down with her. I guess the old adage is true. If you lie down with dogs, you’re going to get up with fleas.

The decrement of verity has taken place while the deification of lies is venerated before our very eyes. We live in a society that finds it easy and commonplace to lie. We need to be veridical and have the temerity to be veracious. It pays to be honest. It pays to be true.

Which are you?


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