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DNA Testing differs for women?

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February 23, 2008
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PostPosted:     Post subject: DNA Testing differs for women?
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I heard that when you are a woman testing your heritage through DNA. you only get results carried from your mother. Is this true?

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.yes this is true
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`well that blows me out of the water.. as my father was the native... sigh

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.Hello anyone I feeling so sad began deaf man noone me dating I reallly want date native lady I am great man my life I knew you don't like deaf man but I can't talk with my voice I feeling so sorry and I hopeful heard from you very very very soon smiles I wanted dating native any lady I am 36 years old I like dating 18 to 45 years old my heart native america so much and very deep
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June 7, 2006
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`SILVERCHARMED...I'm working on getting certified as a genealogist..and from what I've researched for a Cherokee friend and can get DNA testing for both sides of your family. Are there is more than one company out there that can do it for you. Fees vary.

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May 23, 2008
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.cool beans
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June 15, 2008
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`Seeing as we are project of both gametes i dont think tht could be true. I have carateristics of my father and my mother so that must be traceable right?

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August 17, 2008
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`lol that is so weird. here in canada we dont have dna testing...its eitherur native or ur not. there are some people here with status cards and their great grandfather was native....pretty sure their blood level would be 1%

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Posted:     Post subject:

`I had my Mitochondrial DNA tested which is carried through the woman side and is passed down from female ancestors of your mother to you and you pass it on to your daughters, to test your paternal side I was informed that I would have to get dna samples from my brother to test my fathers side. When my Mitochondrial DNA report came in it was very interesting...

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June 11, 2009
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PostPosted:     Post subject: Re DNA Testing
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My mother got caught in bed by both of my grandmothers, who thought she was home sick, with an Indn man "exactly" 9 months before I came along - and the whiteman she put on the birth certificate as my birth father was about 1800 miles away in the military for 2 months before & 2.5 months after.
In 1983, after the 2nd grandmother went to the Spirit World, I asked the birther about it & she admitted it on the grounds that "Racism is a fact of life in this country, my girl. A whiteman could support us better than an Indn man could, & I refused to raise my children on welfare." I'm a great-grandmother now, takoszja, & I still find that to be in the top 3 filthiest statements I've ever heard. Talk about inherently dishonest!
I cut her off & never talked with the loser again. No loss.
In 1986, I had DNA-testing done on the birth-certificate father to see what would come up. No match.
In 1996, DNA-testing had improved to the point that I had a test done to see if I did have Indigenous blood, since 'no match to the whiteman on the birth certificate' didn't mean I have ITI blood.. The DNA test said I'm over half-blood Indigenous Turtle Islander. Cool! To know something of your biological heritage is comforting.
The kicker is, my birth mother was 1/4 blood & tried to hide it, poor spiritual cripple that she was. My grandmother told me the true family story (of that side) & that we had lived in hiding since 1862 because my many-times grandfather was one of the 38 warriors hanged at "Mankato" the day after christmas in 1862. I'm named after him & it's appropriate.
The downside is, even though my grandmother Pearl could track a showshoe rabbit in a snowstorm, she couldn't identify my birth father - only that he was a Dakota man living on the White Earth Reservation in MN; so I've never met him or any of my birth father's family.
A person can't just go to a Rez & expect to connect with anyone who could track this.. There are thousands like me - truly Lost Birds. I'm a great-grandmother now, so the chances of finding my birth father are extremely slim.
But as you see, the 'stuff' about DNA & the mother side is apparently not true. My grandmother knew her heritage, & there is no way I could be over half-blood if only the mother side counted for females.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`Mitochondrial DNA is Only Inherited from the Mother

What sets mtDNA apart is that, unlike nuclear DNA which is equally inherited from both father and mother, mtDNA is inherited only from the mother, because all our mitochondria are descended from those in our mother's egg cells.

This means that Mitochondrial DNA is passed from a mother to her children, which also makes it useful for tracing individuals maternal lineage. So, that while both sons and daughters inherit mtDNA from their mothers, only daughters can pass their mtDNA to their children

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August 19, 2012
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`well on my fathers side i already know most of the story, except from his mother, who was adopted and will take her secret to the grave...but my grandmother on my mothers side was the native, so mtDNA would probably be my best bet at finding out my lineage from that mother told me she thinks she was mostly Cherokee, but not sure...could have been any nation that starts with a "C"...

im not worried about benefits from uncle sam, i dont want them, i just want to reconnect and find the missing pieces...

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`It would be nice to reconnect with my Native ancestry and heritage. My Father's grandfather was Pawnee, but he left the picture when my grandfather was a baby (So mystery there). My mother's Grandfather was Blackfoot and we even have a picture of him. On a fun note...I very rarely get a sunburn in the summer lol.

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