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Natural childbirth....just sharing :)

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On Monday, May 28th, 2007 (memorial day) I was eating some pizza away from home. I was on my last couple bites when I looked down and said "uh oh" I knew I hadn't pee'd myself, bcuz my bladder was still full with no relief. My water had broken.

My son's father and I drove home so I could call my Doula and Dr. Bowen. We weren't in any hurry; I wasn't in any pain & the baby wasn't due for another 3 and half weeks. I was told to get to the hospital, but we weren't really ready for the hospital yet.The baby wasn't due until June 24th. I had only just started on the birth bag to take to the hospital. We were in the process of moving to a new house, so we had no clothes at the new place. I called my sister to bring some clothes and all three of us made the journey to Mercy Hospital.

We arrived around 2:30pm. While we were in the triage room, I kept feelin like I had to poo and wanted an enema. When the nurse finally came in to check me around 2:45pm, she said I was at 10cm, and that it wasn't a bowel movement I was feeling, but the baby. This is when the pain kicked in.

It was a little rough going at first, since the baby was coming so fast and both the Doula and the Doctor had yet to arrive. Shortly after I was wheeled via a bed into the birth room, both the Doula and the Doctor showed up. Once the birthing team was complete, I was able to calm down. Luckily the nurse we had was also into aroma therapy and supplied the Doula with some oils that really helped out.

Everything progressed very rapidly. I started in a squat but moved to laying on my left side in the bed. Pillows were placed between my legs at first, but I wanted my right leg to be more elevated, so the Doula set up one stirrup to prop my right leg up directly over my left leg. The Doula played some native flute music on her ipod with speakers while she massaged me. Being unmedicated, and able to feel EVERYTHING allowed me to work with him, because I felt when he was trying to get out too. After about 4 pushes, I realized he was resting on every other contraction, so that's when I started resting, and only pushing on contractions he was moving on. It took me only 9 pushes to push the baby out. I only tore slightly, as the Doctor put it "about as deep as a paper cut." I did not receive any medication and only a couple stiches--which was my main goal.

My son was born at 4:37 pm. weighing at 4 pounds 4.8 ounces.
just to recap: water broke at 1pm, we got to the hospital at 2:30pm. the nurse said I was 10cm dilated at 2:45pm, and the baby was born at 4:37pm

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January 11, 2010
Posts: 16

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`I was glad you shared this experience~ have left a comment regarding
my own personal 'natural' childbirth experience on your blog post. :)

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