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I have a question for the Native Women
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June 12, 2009
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Rape is a real big issues we must face on the reservation and outside. Hope you find a great man. Peace and love

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November 14, 2008
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Look, everything that has been said has got out of control . . . especially that rape/racist s--- . . . So back to the point of this post, from a Native Man I'll let you know we are taught to deal with things as men do and SOME of us aren't as sensitive to the other half of our species as we should be.

Traditionally we are taught that if you're hurt you give it to the spirits and let it go, that means no complaining about it no matter what it is, women are taught the same in some tribes through the same traditional beliefs. Also we are taught to respect women in a very special way as those who give birth, BUT these aren't traditional times and both men and women are taught many different things now days. Unfortunately we kinda take the worst of both worlds in this situation, both the "get over it" attitude and the now days trash way of treating women that some people learn.

Real people, (not losers) now days teach everyone to understand each other no matter what the differences (even losers lol) that includes men understanding women. Part of your problem is your choice in men, it's not one ethnicity over another but maturity and mind frame. Look for a Native man that is both traditional AND understands the world as is now days and does these things IN A GOOD WAY.

For the Native men reading this remember, even if you're a Christian, that w are modern day warriors for the people, we who sundance, bear dance, eagle dance, rain dance or any other ceremonial dance we do those ceremonies for the people. We suffer for the people so that they don't have to, that includes having enough self control to take the time to get to know our other halves. Have some respect for the women in your lives, pay attention to the teachings of the sweat lodge, especially the 3rd round.

So I hope this helps you and any1 who reads it, any ??? just ask

PS: Rape/, murder, domestic violence, arson, theft and all other crime is an issue no matter what the race, so let's just leave that bull---- where it belongs, off of this site.

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May 8, 2010
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`well said & well written

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`Well said rain2wolves.

I don't like the idea of "giving" my pain to the spirits. It won't work. I've been told to do that once myself. Guess who said it? A man. I told him about my boyfriend at the time who had been hitting me, calling me horrible names, really taking the life out of me. "Don't be mad at him. Don't be angry. Give your pain to the spirits". That's all he said. How the heck was I supposed to do that? He didn't explain. He basically just told me to stop talking about the abuse, ignore it, bottle it up, whatever. I can't stand it when people tell you not to feel a certain way when you have every right to feel how you want to, especially if it is justified. I told my feelings to family, friends, a counselor, to any body who would listen. It helped. What are we supposed to do? Say "Hey, great spirit, please take this anger away from me. I am angry at my boyfriend for hitting me. Make it all go away". I said that once and you know what? Didn't do s***. Sounds like that man you were with was a real horses end.

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