rblyl (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: In Search of the Tree |
"The ancient ones taught of the Tree is the life of the people. If the people wander far away from the protective shadow of the Tree, if they forget to seek the nourishment of it's fruit, or if they should turn against the Tree and attempt to destroy it , a great sorrow will fall upon the people. Many will become sick at heart. The people will lose thier power. They will cease to dream and have visions. They will begin to quarrel among themselves over worthless trifles. They will become unable to tell the truth and deal with eachother honestly. They will forget how to survive on thier own land. Their lives will become filled with anger and gloom. Little by little they will poison themselves and all they touch. It was foretold that these things will come to pass, but that the Tree would never die. And as long as the Tree lives, the people live. It was also foretold that the day would come when the people would awaken, as if from a long drugged sleep; that they would begin, timidly at first but then with great urgency, to search again for the World Tree." John Lamedeer (?)/////"When man was created he was clothed in great honor..united to the One by the tie of the single-purposed faith which ties all together. But later, people abandoned the road of faith and left behind the singular Tree which looms high over all the trees, and adhered to the place which is continually shifting from one hue to another, from good to evil, from evil to good, and they decended to the incertain, and deserted the changeless One..but out of mercy the One decreed of a time to come "the days of the people will be like the days of the Tree" the singular Tree we know of. Concerning that time "Death will be swallowed up forever." the Zohar/////"The growing stage..springtime, the East, and the wind. Attributes are strength and flexability, warmth and generosity. Expansive and out-going. Seeks to alway grow and expand. Heralds the beginning of life and -------ity. Generates fire by the wood when two pieces are rubbed together." Theodora Lau, Chinese philosopy of the Tree/////"A rider can travel in the shade of a branch of it for 100 years, in it there are golden butterflies and it's fruit looks like earthenware jars. And our interpreters of the Quran are at a loss as to what this Tree may be." Anonymous
Joined: May 17, 2008
Posts: 58
Posted: Post subject: The great tree |
In the days of yore a great and dark wind arose from the East. It was a wind carrying the force of a world far removed from the land. It was a force that ravaged the great tree that was the people. Limbs of the people were broken and the leaves scattered to the four directions.
Such was the way.
But soon the tree began to heal. New leaves bloomed, new branches replaced the ones lost. The people began to remember that which was. The tree held true to the earth with roots deep and strong, able to bend with the wind. This time was no stranger to the tree and the end will be the same.
So I say to the people. Hold tight my hand, my friend, and we will quell the tempest dark. Hold tight my hand, my friend, and we will still the whirlwinds of our minds.
And to that dark wind that still blows, I say in the words of Job- 38:11. Hitherto shalt thou come, but no further.
I have spoken.