cherokeegirl58 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Looking backward to see forward, |
Looking backward to see forward,
Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could look backwards before forwards, all lessons learned already in place, just rewind the tangled and then undo the knots,
Maybe it could be called the mirror of days past but movie of days present, Kind of a way to sidestep mistakes,
Would we learn from the past walk, would we truly look at the missteps that have been taken? Or would we watch it and think, we are above it still, maybe trick ourselves into believing that the responsibility of change is in the laps of others,
The mirror of days past? It is interesting, but maybe not as worthy of thought now that I look back,
For if I corrected every step before it became a misstep, then when would I truly learn my path, I would simply create a new one,
Maybe one without pain, then again, joy many times comes with pain, would it be worth having just one and never experiencing the other, how would we have compassion for others then?
We would truly change the past of many including our own, it sounds good in essence but unworthy of the emptiness it would leave in us, for we would simply all end up walking the same path without the uniqueness of ourselves,
Would our fathers, grandfathers have changed their journey, I believe not, for they stood with love in their hearts for the families, the children, and Creator,
They would never look backwards, for our Heros, they gave willingly, they spoke with passion, they looked back with connection and pride of their fathers and grandfather, they walked forward, into the waters, the war, the path of no return with heads held high,
They believed in the lessons of the path, they taught the respect that is due all tribes, they called all the spirits, respected Mother Earth, walked with the Great One, walked hand in hand fighting for the same walk,
I am always humbled when I read the words of the great ones who walked before us, we walk now because of them, there are many humble elders and leaders in our presence now, they understand the past and the walk of the future,
The fathers understood the pain,
The fight and what was to gain
They give the bodies to earth
Gave to us new birth
We live again
We walk
We live again,
We bring new hope
We live again
Calling out to the others
We need to live again,
We live again
We walk
We live again,
We bring new hope
We live again
Calling out to the others
We need to live again,
As we say, There is no need to look backward, but to walk forward with spirit tall and with pride.[/color]
Runnincreek |