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Joined: January 17, 2009
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Posted: Post subject: African American and Native Americans |
I have often wondered about this particular combination.It seems that it is taboo to have this mentioned even. I have a mother who has Caddo Indian in her blood.Her grandmother was a Caddo Indian,and her grandfather a mixture of African,and french.She was born and reared in New Orleans ,La.And this is the reason for me wanting to seek out more info. I love the Indians,even before I was old enough to know about my ancestry.If anyone has more information on African Americans,and Native Americans,if they ever mingled,please let me know. :)
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Posted: Post subject: |
`Swizzlefree1201 yes it has happened that Native Americans and African Americans have intermarried or at least have produced children whitin a nonmarried relationship. I have a Native friend who is married to an
African American woman and has children as well. It is a very loveing and happy relationship too. I also have a friend on this site who's mom is African American and her dad is Native. It does happen, but as to why in some Native Nations it is frowned upon I do not know. You could always try contacting the Caddo Nation and asking them for help in your search. I am not sure if there is an offcial website for that Nation but if there is there should be an address at the bottom of the page or you can always look for the "Contact us" option. I hope that this helps. I wish you much luck in your quest to find out more about this part of your anscestry. You have a right to know and understand this part of yourself no matter who says otherwise.
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 ojibwaygrlyaho (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`Of course this combination exists just like every other combination. The fact is that Africans came to this continent to trade with and intermarry with natives long before Columbus got lost and landed here.
About the tribes. While it is true that many frown on this combination, it isn't a matter of racism but the Federal laws imposed by the US government. When natives intermarry with other races too many times, the child is no longer a legal native american and the US Government can deny paying that child his or her entitlement under the tribe's treaty. So, tribes try to protect their future and make sure the government pays for the land that was "borrowed".
If you would like more info on what US Supreme Court decisions and what laws affect this and impose this maddness, I'll be happy to point you in the right direction...
Don't be discouraged though. Truly traditional natives are anything but racist and bigotry was invented by the folks that brought institutionalized slavery with them on the Mayflower. Not my political views, just facts....ugly as they are for some to admit. I'm all about the truth and if anyone is interested in challenging the truth of my words, I'll back them up....happily.
Have a great day!
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Joined: May 10, 2009
Posts: 42
Posted: Post subject: Re: African American and Native Americans |
swizzlefree1201 wrote: I have often wondered about this particular combination.It seems that it is taboo to have this mentioned even. I have a mother who has Caddo Indian in her blood.Her grandmother was a Caddo Indian,and her grandfather a mixture of African,and french.She was born and reared in New Orleans ,La.And this is the reason for me wanting to seek out more info. I love the Indians,even before I was old enough to know about my ancestry.If anyone has more information on African Americans,and Native Americans,if they ever mingled,please let me know.
I think if your great-grandmother was Caddo and you know her name you could find your lineage. As for being taboo, I think that its less about racism and more about being continually exposed to posers who falsely claim lineage for benefits. Blood quantum that was imposed by the government is flawed in some ways. It is very tricky. One can have two parents that are full blood but different nations and blood quantum in many cases will only count that person as half. There is dwindling resources for those that are registered and none for those tribes and nations that unfortunately are not recognized by the federal government.
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Joined: May 17, 2006
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`Yes, I was reading in a book written in 2006 about the history of CT. that there were intermarriages long ago between blacks and Native Americans.I think they were taken often, as part of Dutch East Indies trade route was growing. The Dutch East Indies trade was mostly about transporting goods,all over the known world, Spices were a big commodity(teas),sugar, and much of it came from Carribean Islands, and Indian corn was traded for feed for livestock in return.(Among many other things) There are also Spanish Blacks(Moors) who may have possibly come here, too. There were also a lot of pirate ships, so I presume some people were taken aboard wherever the pirates felt like taking them ,when they needed people to man the ships. It is sad that so many don'tknow where their families originated from, but I've heard the Mormon Church in Salt Lake City has a lot of records and photos ,as they have the largest geneaolocigal collection in the world. There are books about the pirates , and one series in particular that lists what they stole and sometimes even names who. I cannot remember the name of the set but they are law books , Trials held in the 1600's.They include transcripts and questioning by the Judges, and the Pirates responses.They travelled up and down the East coast of the USA and to the Islands and across to Europe, and basically allover. You might find a historian at the Mashantucket Pequot Museum in CT who can help locate your family or at least direct you. They have a very good research center there.
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 sweetgrass37 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`The Smithsonian Institute has a book out called , INDIVISABLE ...It's about Afro-Native mixes. It is true there are a lot of people that frown on Native/Black relationships. There are also a lot of Nations that just refuse to admit that a lots Black's have Native blood... Althought I've always pondered why its so much easier how they are able to readily except one of European/Native blood but not Afro/Native Bloods. Who can explaine this to me?
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 appalachgumbo (deleted)
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`Of course it's not unusual. I myself am the offspring of a father who is African American and 1/4 American Indian. These type of mixed were common the Southeastern US.
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 nahashchid (deleted)
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`natives have mixed with practically anyone who came to this country out of greed or persecution. sheet it doesn't matter whether your black, white, asian, or a fk'ing monkey. if your thinking weight or ounces of who you are then get the fk out. if you have the heart & belief of who you are & do not question your bloodline then it's cool. racism exist in many cultures no matter who your are. this monkey will ride your back until you quit questioning your bloodline. i'm full blood but if i wanna be with another culture then it's on me. thing is, whoever it may be, that person will have my unconditonal love & respect.
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