bluesanctum66 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: To Be Clean Or Not To Be Clean--Which Do You Prefer? |
I cannot and will not stand for filth!!!
Now you're probably reading that statement and thinking, "Well that's sure bold for anyone to say ." Bold, yes. True, yes. I have often said that I was raised in a different era and beacuse of this, it has enhanced my consciousness to the point where the lessons taught to me by my parents were well received and were later augmented by my time in the Army.
One of the many lessons taught to me was the responsibility of keeping not only myself clean but my roon as well. Throughout the years I've been witness to some things that have been truly shocking in the way of individuals and their habits of personal hygiene and that of the condition of their homes.
Let's deal with the matter of personal hygiene. This is a basic lesson that should have been taught in the child-rearing years. It should be noted that people can be quite rude in this arena which can make for a very disturbing and rude awakening for some. Trust me, if you use a bar of soap--daily--you won't be embarrassed or insulted by the looks you will receive if you don't. I've smelled enough offensive body odors from men and women to know that, hey, you won't melt in the shower if you use some soap...And use it all over.
Its also a good idea to brush one's teeth, floss and use a strong mouth wash daily. I can't begin to tell you, the reader, how many times I've seen brown or even yellowed teeth--not something that I would want to kiss, to be sure. Comb your hair and remember to take the comb out of your hair, brothers--its 2011 and not the 70's. Oh, and if you should choose to have long nails--again, brothers--at least have the decency to keep them C-L-E-A-N. Long dirty nails can be a deterrent for me if you intend on making a meatloaf. Ladies, the same goes for you.
Oh, and let me not forget the latest asinine style that this generation seems to favor and some older men, too: the wearing of the pants which hang halfway down the waists revealing the cracks of unwashed hindquarters and soiled undergarments. I mean, honestly, guys, who wants to see all that? I don't. You know, maybe that's impressive to some miseducated female because that may be all that she's used to or maybe even likes, but please, put on a belt. I don't favor looking like a clown or an idiot when steeping out of my front door--job or no job. I have enough self-worth, respect and pride not to look like a joke.
We, African-Americans, have lost our sense of identity and have chosen to emulate an image perpetuated by the deifying of self. In other words, we've been given a plate of pig entrails to eat and rather than moving it aside we smile and ask for more. How sick is that? Very sick--almost, if not, masochistic, really. We must identify with who and what we are before we can move on. Wake up!
Not only should one keep themselves clean but their clothes should be clean as well, too. In a sense, its all about respecting one's self and taking pride in how you represent yourself.
All of my life I've had to share a bedroom and in doing so I've always kept my side clean--immaculate, even. I've never been one for having paper, cups, plates, clothes, underwear or plastic soda-pop bottles strewn all about the floor of my bedroom--it just never happened. Why? Two reasons: (1) My mother wasn't having it because she didn't raise me and my siblings that way, and (2) I wasn't having it. Nor was she about to put up with a sweet-sickly odor coming out of our bedrooms permeating the entire house. I'm not telling you something that I read in a book somewhere. What I've just relayed to you I have seen first hand and its quite, quite sad.
I currently share a residence with roommates and as far as the cleaning goes, I clean the living room, kitchen, and bathroom plus my bedroom. And that's all that I clean as far as that goes. I'm not about to touch and or clean a grown man's bedroom and if I have to step over stuff just to get into your bedroom, I'd rather not go in. I mean no harm or disrespect to anyone to whom this article may offend but I'm just not doing it. And please don't let me open the door to your bedroom and my olfactory senses are assulted by an atrocious odor threatening to knock me out. Again, I've seen and experienced this and it is quite sad. Its even sadder when this individual is a child of the Most High.
You may not have to the money to do all the things mentioned in this article or maybe you do; or maybe you were raised in the house of a "clean-freak" and you thought that when you moved out that you'd do your own thing; or maybe you're just plain funky, nasty and filthy and you like living that way. Whatever the case, one needs to have respect for one's self. I don't care from what walks of life one might hail from but we all need to be clean.