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My Rant

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: My Rant

Our streets are being over run by a bunch of thugs that think they have the right to rob,rape, kill and get away with it.
Years ago three kids were walking on the Chain of Rocks bridge and a couple of thugs came along and the girls and then made all three of them jump off the bridge into the river.
The two girls drowned and the other lived which he has to remember the rest of his life what he witnessed on that bridge.
Now we have Danny Glover come to the defense of this thug.Maybe Mr. Glover needs to take this thug home with him and see how reformed he is..
After all he had come from a bad "environment" so he never had a chance!!
What ever happened to being responsible for your actions? If you do the crime, you do the time!! Why does the perpetrator become the victim? Has everyone forgot about the ones that were killed by these thugs?
A lot of us come from bad environments and we do not grow up with the thug mentality that society owes us!!!.
We need to gets our minds right and not fall for this garbage, seems like you can get away with almost anything just blame your childhood..So we are saying no one is responsible for anything, we can't help what we do? If my child did such a crime I would be the first one marching him or her to the police station, no why would I condone any such action from either of my children. I would not for one minute feel like they were victims.

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September 25, 2008
Posts: 230

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The true victims of life rarely becomes peoples thinking they have the right to hurt anybody without any responsability because of this famous statut of "victime first" except the one having being so spoiled that their mind is completely messed up.

The ones who act like you say just are the sames of those having acting as dirtly with the peoples they refer to but who use the pain of their closes or elders as one excuse... NO excuse to act like that.. !!! Never the ones they hurt are among the possible guilty of their badness, just more victims !

I'm right with by the fact that a reason never can serve as excuse for criminal actions.

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