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Green Mother Says...

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January 11, 2010
Posts: 16

PostPosted:     Post subject: Green Mother Says...
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This is for a Friend who says to me...

I and my People are hunter/gatherers,
and do not understand the Way of the

STORY can appear in many written forms,
and this one is what Green Mother said to

Sowing one's seeds and tending the tender
greens until they blossom and fruit beautifully
is no hard chore, if the spirit is willing to give
more, than expecting to receive.

The drawing of this generosity of giving, is like
Native Pollen upon the land - fecund lifeforce
saturating the soil with purpose and intent.

Feel the Breath of the Green Mother move
through you. Inhale the aroma of Sky and
Earth. Hold each plant essence as you fondly
would a dear child. Feel the unfolding strength,
of the merging green vine or stalk, the sap-
substance pulsing through the greenblood,
streaming growth spiraling upwards.

Sense the fullness of the cycle, the awoken
morning, the beginning. The veggies and fruit
soak in the sun's vital love... the rain kisses
each plant cheek with essential dew.

They speak of their STORY to tell, of how
Creator entrusted them with the offering of
themselves for your body's nourishment... it
is all a part of the LifeWeb that interconnects
us. Each has their part of receiving, then
thankfully giving back.

Listen to their words, and bestow respect.

Hear the great saga told by the Gathering of
Petal People, by the Fruit Trees as the Standing
Apple, Peach, Pear People - the Vined Ones of
blackberry, blueberry, strawberry - the squash,
melon, gourd kin - Corn Maiden and Goddess,
the Green Bush Nation of vegetal edibles - they
all give more than theyare given, in offering
existence to us.

With the fullness of your Spirit, drink of the fresh
aliveness and beauty which is of their Way. The
intensity of color and aroma, and flavor bursts
of pure enjoyment are their presence/presents
to the Two-Leggeds of all relations.

Sing songs of gratefulness to these brothers and
sisters of Flora, as the little winged-ones, the bee
and butterfly dance to your soultune.

The Green Mother speaks of the Creative Love
Force that engenders ALL within Nature's Garden,
as well as the World Garden.

Keep her Medicine close within your grasp, and your
husbandry and greenfinger touch will always flourish,
and grow abundance for your needs of eating, and
the pleasure of the senses.

Green Mother also says... it also helps to get tips from
your regional horticulture or agricultural agency

May the Serene Green of Growth Be With You Always~

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