![former member former member default image - bird flying away](/images/shared/member/100w/deleteduser.jpg) fullmetal (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Beauty,acceptance,love |
WARNING... this is long.
to love unconditionally one must accept that differences are beautifull
that to say "I love you, but".... isnt really love at all.
If I were the creature from the black lagoon,and you
were my friend? would you try to change me, give me a makeover,
,you think I need help or feel sorry for me?
that is not friendship. its not the same as haveing a friend and that friend does something life threatening
its more about accepting the other regardless. its about building a relationship based on mutual intrest not physical attraction or physical compatability.
yes S-- is great but if thats all there is it leads to unhappiness,discontent.
when one or the other losses intrest whats left?
there is so much more to a relationship than s----l gratification
to really Love anyone or anything you must love and accept yourself.
for me its never matter what a person looks like,what clothes they wore
what the physical appearance is or anything like that
i only have to look beyond those things to see the true beauty,
the soft fullness of lips, the silkiness of hair,,the depth of color in eyes.
the bunching of a muscle as it moves under skin. the soft pulse along the neck,
and hands.hands are always beautifull and intruiging.
so much beauty surrounds me.
.A smile a laugh, a glimps. a soft word.
is shallowness a human trait? imposed on us by unfair advertisments,
that a man or woman is not beautifull, not deserving of love because they do not fit some
-------- irrational guidline of what someone thought was beautifull!
that women went as far as haveing ribs removed to "measure up" to some 14 inch waist line. or had their feet bound because someone thought it was beautifull?
everyone is beautifull! it doesnt matter what you weigh or dont weigh, what you
idenftiy with, or belong to
,what human can say that the soft rise of a breast is ugly? that the roundness of a shoulder is ugly.that even the most slender striking human in the world doesnt think that they dont measure up, that maybe their hips are to wide, or their feet are to big, or their loosing their hair or getting a beer belly.they fear what others think!men and women alike. but everyone is beautifull, if they could only see that. if they could only see what I see when i look at them.
I want to grab a pencil and draw them,record that beauty forever.
be you what you are i would still love thee
if i never feel the touch of your hand,i can accept that
I will be happy having you as a friend if that is all you are able to offer.
if you reached out your hand to me and I took it
would you accept me? battered and broken,
scarred? would you accept me?
accept the darkness that lurks in my dreams
accept the silliness and the crudeness, and the tough side of me?
Would you take me as i am? hopelessly hopefull,stumbling along
on this bumpy path?
quiet one minute rambling on the next?
life is not all about that first kiss, the first time a hand runs softly down your spine to the soft hollow of your back,th its not all about lips searching, tasting softness,tasting neck,and mouth,ears,stomach,thighs. hands frantic to feel bare skin,bodies writhing,
skin scorching skin, melting into each other, breathing so hard and fast your afraid youll have a heartattack and die right there in the tangled remains of your bedsheets(or worse) your minds thinking one collective thought while your actions strive to reach that goal! reaching for unity or singular release,both wanting the same thing.
what happens when passionis spent,when you no longer end breathless and shaking,sweat so slick you need a shower, when it becomes mundane because thats all you ever shared.what then?