lanelle (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: "Cold-Woman-of-the-Snows" |
( I am a SEANCHAI, or Celtic storyteller and romance writer- Native Peoples have a realness and Nature-sourced beauty of Story that I love and admire. Yesterday when reflecting on the energy of a Native Land, where a person here on NativePassions lives...this story flowed into my consciousness...)
As time dawned ...( time being an elusive energy, not existing, but manifesting simultaneously as then, and when, and NOW.)
Two beautiful sisters lived there, twins of majestic visage. The eldest was Blue Woman, though born at the same moment as her sister Green Lady, and she sang with a mighty voice of angel waterfalls, so joyfully happy in sharing her world with her sister.
The twins were ONE, but their faces many.
As Maiden, their virgin spirit was goddess bold and beautiful. Blue Woman
shared her Life Blood, of liguid flowing light, to nurture Green Lady, pulsing through veins swiftly within and without, coursing rivers of power across her skin, into the vast depths of her oceanic wonder.
Earth, as these two sisters became collectively known, soon caught the attention of the Great Solar Eye All Father, and he sent his beloved son, a fierce, honorable warrior named Bright Sky, to offer his love in marriage.
Both sisters were delighted with affections, and each held a special place in his heart- so it was divinely decreed, both Blue Woman and her sister, Green Lady would become Bright Sky's bride and join in sacred union.
Bright Sky's warming love affected each wife differently.
Blue Woman sparkled effervesce, mercurical passion that could fade to a wisp of vapor or downpour any given moment. She was alchemically soulled with strong emotion, and a shapeshifting gift. She would comfort
Bright Sky with her gentle rain, and enchant him with her rainbow magick- or take his breath away with her innocence as she walked through First Light's glow with her gossamer mist swirling her fair form. He loved the way the fresh dew softened her face to silk.
Their passion would grow enticingly wild and tempestuous, mesmerizingly pleasing, but her bewitchingness prompted him to caution- for her moods would shift unreadable, thick fog whirling, cloaking her thoughts.
Despite her capricious WILL, Bright Sky was lovingly captivated by Blue Woman, in all her strengths and weaknesses.
Green Lady was voluptuously fecund, a vivacious lover of Bright Sky and all life, exuding feminine perfection and grace with every breath. Kindness radiated in her embrace, and a calm order in her Cycle of the Year. Her Season's reflected the changing flow of Time, and Bright Sky continually adored her.
Green Lady birthed many children from their love.: the Elder Trees, siblings watchful and wise, the playful vines, ever climbing and winding about,- the shrubs , rotund and cheerfully content in being, and the smallest of the green souls seemed most precious, the ethereal flowers of glowing color, of scentual and intoxicating pleasure.
Green Lady's progeny also included creatures of wing, fin, and 4-legged furs - all good children blessing her well.
Then her children , the 'Shining Ones', who soon found punishment from the Grand All-Father Solar Eye, and were bound to wear the Clothes of Clay which dimmed their gift of memory. ( But that is another story!)
One day Blue Woman blew into a storm of jealousy, accusing Bright Sky of favoring her sister Green Lady. With the help of Thunder, her male animus, she shook the heavens with booms and torrents of tears.
Suddenly Blue Woman knew - no longer could she offer her husband and lover her entire self -she must secret away a portion, to deny him her whole.This greatly grieved her, so much, a facet of of her 'face' fragmented and flew to the Great North Land.
In her mouring, for what she lost, she grew cold without her husband's touch to warm her. The ever-flow of tears turned to tiny crystal ice dancers exqusitely waltzing the wind, veiled from Bright Sky's view.
Unknown to him, Blue Woman was pregnant, and feeling very alone-
so immense was her resolve to shut him out, that the frigid soul of the Cold Land fragmented her Being, born-ing the new persona of Cold-Woman-of-the Snows.
Her first children, waif dainty pelting ice stones and frost pixies, loved to play trickery upon their cousins, the offspring of Green Lady.
Cold-Woman-of-the-Snows still held a special radiance and lovliness and Bright Sky had not forgotten her - he knew of her journey to the Great North Land, devoid of all but a tiny portion of her sister's green remembrance.
Bright Sky still loved her, even the parts that denied him.
...And sometimes on a fair day during summerland in the Great North -Bright Sky cannot contain his love for his wayward wife Blue Woman..., as his heart smiles so achingly warm- his presence reaches outward to Blue Woman's spirit, and grasps the fragment of lost soul, caressing memories of lingering sun and light.
Some say...those who have visited there, -on some days that Cold-Woman-of-the Snows relents briefly, and her ice tears begin to melt into rivelets of flowing liquid again , shimmered gently by the sun's warm kiss.
Copyright 11.12.09 LaNelle Gael
LaNelle |